Employers face a multitude of challenges in any given day. Global business moves at the speed of light. It can be difficult to focus amidst these challenges.
Does your business dedicate people and resources to assessing the top issues posing a risk this year? If not, why not? If so, how do you focus your resources to cover what’s needed?

Business risks I’m paying attention to in 2019 cover a broad spectrum of issues are listed below.
- Global and Market Trade issues
- Data/Information security / Cyber threats / Privacy issues
- Regulatory Issues (Changes and Scrutiny)
- Technological Innovation / Disruption
- Workplace Safety
- Talent acquisition, retention, engagement, succession
- Critical Risk Issues
- Profitability
Let’s pay close attention to the impact of technological and workforce changes ahead with VR and AI beginning to take shape. Data/information security is vitally important at home and while travelling. Are you protecting your information, systems and people?
Workplace safety is an increasing concern. Have you incorporated preparation for and response to acts of violence on-site? Talent issues continue as a top priority.
We’re almost two months into the year. How are things going for you? Have you determined the top issues demanding focus?

Throughout the year, we’ll highlight national issues impacting employers/employees at work and at home. Keeping informed about issues concerning your business can avert missteps. Workplace preparation for the unexpected prompts discussions of potential impact before needed.
Transitions throughout our lives necessitate thoughtful preparation of the policies, legal documents, financial and health documentation to benefit us and our families as we move through life. Frequent and practical discussions help “build the muscle” of what to do if an unexpected event occurs. While we attempt to keep life issues separate from work issues, there are circumstances that impact our ability to separate the two.
When you’re ready to consider resources to assess top issues within your company, contact me via Email. Additional information is available upon request or on the website @ The Living Planner #LifeAndBusinessIntersect #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness #StepUpStepIn