Tip of the Iceberg

You may be wondering why there is a picture of an iceberg on the Home Page of The Living Planner.  In case you are, I have an analogy to share with you.  For me, organizing life is akin to the tip of the iceberg – we see it, we live it, we feel it every day.  What lies below the surface represents organizing your transition from life – we don’t see it, live it, feel it, yet those who remain after our transition from life do.

If you’ve seen the TedTalk by Camille Seaman (http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-s-below-the-tip-of-the-iceberg-camille-seaman) , you may have seen this quote: “It’s a well-known fact that the majority of an iceberg lies below the surface — but just as stealthily hidden are their fascinating qualities. Traveling the seas, teeming with life, and sometimes even making a noise called “bergie seltzer,” there’s so much more than meets the eye.”

Now this is where I focus my attention – what lies below the surface of the tip of the iceberg, is massive.  It is akin to organizing your transition from life.  What a gift it is when we are organized in such a way that allows daily life for our loved ones to continue after we’ve gone.  What a gift it is to consider the options while we are living,  documenting our wishes, to have conversations about all of this.

Take a moment to read that, to let it soak in.  Then, I ask you; are you organized, documented, prepared?  Are your wishes known?  If not, why not?  I’ve lived through the unexpected happening to those who were not prepared.

I’ve experienced what it is like to have prepared and gone through the end of life with a loved one feeling the emotions of this, without wondering do I have everything?  I choose the latter.

I have 28 years of hands-on experience as an aviation volunteer emergency team responder, a daughter, a friend who has combined practicality with compassion into The Living Planner System.  I’ve learned over the years and wish to share what I’ve learned with you because:

  • I know from first-hand experience the need to grieve as someone is transitioning and after they have transitioned.  During these times, it can be difficult to maintain concentration, composure and patience when dealing with the administrative issues.  If too much is unknown/ unprepared in advance; daily life as we had known it is gone, leaving uncertainty, disruption of status quo and/or lack of funds to carry on.
  • Organizing while living can be done be anyone.  I am a powerful force of compassion plus experience. I am detailed, organized, thorough, can compartmentalize big emotional issues during times of transition/crisis and have accumulated the expertise to outline for others how to make sure the practical side of life is “covered” before the transition from life of loved ones.

This is my vision: Every US Citizen is prepared/ready in a practical way for their transition from life.

I am a firm believer in protecting your assets and honoring your wishes.  I look forward to connecting with you.

May you live your life fully, Lynn


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