Walk in the Shoes of Another

This was quite a week on the worldwide stage, national stage and yet, it was a local experience I remember.  An appointment with a service provider sets the stage.  Have you ever walked out of an appointment?  This was new for me, so new in fact that I came home and jotted down thoughts about the experience.  I’m one of those who likes to find the lesson from the experience.

After years of professional training to put the customer first, I learned to appreciate walking in the shoes of another.  It’s not always possible to knowing what someone else is going through, yet is helpful to remember that perspectives vary, when encountering anyone.  Some lessons learned this week from a negative experience as a customer has provided me a “fresh perspective” to follow when working with others.

  1. Listen to the client perspective about their desired result  
  2. Discuss costs upfront, inclusive of payment terms
  3. Confirm and reconfirm expectations 
  4. Outline compliance terms
  5. Discuss client’s ability to execute the deal
  6. Maintain flexibility
  7. Provide a timely response to any inquiry
  8. Recognize your walkaway factors

Sometimes “adulting” entails speaking up and speaking out when a situation seems “wonky”.  Conversations like this can be conducted calmly, rationally and delivered respectfully.  Seeking life-long improvement at work, at home and in life can be achieved allowing dignity for all.

Life is short.  Know yourself well enough to know you are valued.  Work with people you enjoy.  We can choose what we do. who is involved and how we do it!  How about we all seek ways amidst the crazy climate of life these days to enjoy life while we do all we need to do?

Count me in!  Seeing the world through the eyes of others, while walking in the shoes of another is important to me.  Helping you see the world through the eyes of what’s possible and prudent is what I love to do.

When you’re ready, contact us to learn more about how we work with individuals, business owners and employees via Email or online @ The Living Planner  #AreYouReady #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness

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