Communication – Synergy is Powerful

In the workforce or at home, do you tend to “go solo” or work as a “team”?  When thinking about communication, how often do you consider the inherent value of combining your thoughts with others to maximize your results?

Let’s consider the power of synergy beginning with defining the word.  Merriam Webster defines synergy + plural synergies:

1synergismbroadly combined action or operation
2a mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct business participants or elements (such as resources or efforts)”
In business, synergy can happen between two or more individuals within an organization. When two+ people begin functioning at a new level because of the support and collaboration they are sharing with each other, synergy is present. … This is a major reason why synergy is so important and critical to the success of a team.  Organization Synergy occurs when people and processes merge seamlessly to continuously expand the ability of the organization to deliver products and services to its customers, while maintaining competitiveness.
At home, it is powerful when we combine use of our time and resources to establish plans for daily schedules, budgets, financial planning, protection plans, tax consequences and life events.  Communication plays a central role and allowing cooperative interaction as two or more forces creating a combined effect that is greater than the sum of its parts.
What does it take to enjoy synergistic communication?
  • Optimism – having a positive “win-win” mentality goes a long way!
  • Shared goals – in the workforce or home, clear stated goals and objectives presents the “end result”.  How we get there can vary!
  • Commitment to understand where others are coming from.  Opening up to possibilities allows the creation of something “bigger than you”!
  • Trust and Respect – as we vision together and commit to understand perspectives shared, trust and respect grows.  When we are on the shared side of an issue, vs. opposite sides – this is when and how we create ways to breakthrough as never before!

The sixth habit of Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is to synergize. In basic terms, synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. If the sum “1+1 = 3” seems familiar, this is what it’s about. Covey tells us that when properly understood, synergy is the highest activity in all life. He draws a parallel to nature where synergy is everywhere. “If you plant two plants close together, the roots co-mingle and improve the quality of the soil so that both plants will grow better than if they were separated”.

Properly understanding synergy

The essence of synergy is to value and respect differences, to build on strengths and to compensate for weaknesses. The author says that many of us haven’t actually experienced synergy in our family lives or in other interactions. We’ve been shaped into defensive and protective communications or into believing that life or other people can’t be trusted. Therefore, we have a tendency to not open up to this highly effective principle which “requires enormous personal security and openness and a spirit of adventure”.

Synergy and communication

Below are 3 different levels of communication and the level of trust that is associated to each:

  1. Defensive communication is of the lowest level and comes out of low-trust situations. It’s characterised by defensiveness, protectiveness and legalistic language which prepares for the eventuality that things may go wrong, that people may become resentful. Such communication isn’t effective and produces only Win/Lose or Lose/Lose outcomes.
  2. Respectful communication is characterised by honesty, authenticity and respect which produces a low form of Win/Win, a compromise where 1+1 = 1½.
  3. Synergistic communication means that 1+1 may equal 8, 16 or even 1’600. The situation produced is better than any originally proposed.

Have some fun thinking about communication, teams and synergy this week at work and at home.  Consider how you might amp-up your life in concert with others and the potential impact.  Powerful!

Ready to consider how best to implement synergy in the workplace or home?  Helping you assess where you are today and what’s important to consider moving forward is what I love to do.  When you’re ready, contact us to learn more about how we work with individuals, business owners and employees via Email or online @ The Living Planner  #AreYouReady #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness

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