Emotional Well-being

Have you considered why emotional well-being matters? This topic has gained attention of late in general and has become a topic of interest in business circles.

Were you aware that employers spend an estimated $80 billion to $100 billion each year on indirect on indirect costs related from mental health and addiction? Companies are learning when employees are happy first, they tend to work harder and be more productive. At the same time, the companies happy employees work for tend to see less turnover, higher revenue, and smoother operations overall.


Business and life intersect often for us. Strengthening our reserves of emotional well-being serves us well. Companies are implementing strategies to focus on individual health. In my reading, an infographic caught my eye. Here is a portion of what the article by Happify identified of what companies can do to focus on workplace emotional well-being. They are:

  1. Workspace design. Employees who control the layout and design of their workspace are happier, healthier and 32% more productive!
  2. Welcome input. Allowing employees to contribute their ideas to projects and strategy has been shown to benefit those involved and the corporate bottom line
  3. Share work related intelligence openly across the organization
  4. Provide a variety of tasks to encourage learning and on-going growth
  5. Encourage overall health. Caring for our physical and emotional health increases productivity, engagement and retention
Teamwork is dreamwork

Taking this further, what about us as people and at home? We all have so much going on! When we consider “one more thing” on our to-do lists, we may freeze! Unaddressed problems often result in serious consequences, from illness to relationship problems to harmful behavior.

Making time for our overall health helps us as people. Being emotionally healthy is a huge plus. People with good emotional health:

  • Believe that there is a good balance to their life between leisure time, activity, and work
  • Feel good about themselves, and don’t suffer from self-esteem issues
  • Believe that there is a purpose to their lives
  • Are able to accept changes better and just go with the flow
  • Enjoy living, and know the value of fun and laughter
  • Have less stress, and are better equipped to deal with stress
  • Have better relationships with others
  • Are contented with their lives

Today is a good day to start by doing something nice for yourself and build up your emotional well-being. You can increase momentum and try doing something for you every day. Enjoy some time for you, for life and for fun!

Planning for individuals and families matters. So often avoidance of discussing the what-if’s adds to emotional duress during times we need to focus on loved ones. If you’re looking for a road-map of pre-planning tips in layperson language, the 2019 edition of my book, The Living Planner – What to Prepare Now While You are Living may be of help: https://thelivingplanner.com/offerings

Now is always a good time to pursue some proactive steps to care for your business and your people. When you’re ready to consult and establish action plans, let’s talk. We’ll tackle those “life and work issues” with diligence and some fun along the way. Awareness of what’s at stake and what’s to gain is a powerful tool.

Reach out with questions via Email. Additional information is available upon request or on the website @ The Living Planner 

#LifeAndBusinessIntersect #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness #StepUpStepIn

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