Christine Trumbull knows business. As the owner of a boutique CPA firm, she’s helped hundreds of business owners build and grow their businesses. This week on Monday April 12th, listen to her interview of me on her podcast, The Climb with Christine.

Compassion and Caring in Life and Business
During my career, my teams and I all experienced significant moments when life intersected with business. It’s difficult to conduct “normal business” when you or someone you love is going through an illness, has had an accident or dies. Attempting to keep up with everything in your personal and professional life, while dealing with emotions places a huge burden on both sides of life (personal and professional).
Often, business owners/leaders, departmental heads, colleagues and employees find themselves at odds. How is compassion given for the individual while maintaining high levels of customer service for the client base? How do we display compassion for the employee and all internal/external customers?
Listen in to my interview with Christine on her Podcast, The Climb with Christine! This Podcast has been great to listen to. Christine talks with experts in business for their best advice, successful entrepreneurs and how they overcame challenges, and anything in between. No topic is off limits.
For a snippet of our interview, click on the MP4 Audiogram link: and listen to the full interview Monday April 12, 2021, by clicking on this link:

Updates This Week

Other updates to note this week. Vaccinations have reached 1 in 4 Americans. CDC vaccination cards are given to each person at the time of receiving the 1st dose providing the manufacturer, the lot number and the name of the clinic site.
So, what do we do with the vaccination cards once given to us? Lamination of the original card now is risky, if further doses (boosters) are needed later. Taking a picture of both sides of the card with your phone is suggested. Keep your original card in a safe place and do remember to bring it with you for your follow-up appointment if you receive a two dose vaccine. An additional thought is to contact your primary care doctor and provide them a copy of your card to keep on file for you.
FEMA announced beginning 12 April, 2021, they will begin accepting applications for their Federal Funeral Assistance Program for those who lost someone to Covid-19. Here is a link providing the details for this program:
The in-between world of strong desire for re-engaging in traditional activities while we are experiencing 65,000+ new Covid cases per day reminds us that this virus is not finished with us. Over 569,000 Americans are no longer with us. Sadly, this week JAMA released that as of February 2021, 37 300 children aged 0 to 17 years had lost at least 1 parent due to COVID-19, three-quarters of whom were adolescents.
Look Out For One Another
Personally and professionally, may we all look after ourselves and one another. These are challenging times.
Let’s make sure you have the information and courage to proceed with developing and implementing plans for you, your families and your work. Life and business intersect.
For additional information about me, check out my website: or Email me:
Take care of you –Lynn
#CareForPeople #StepInStepUp #LifeHacks