Working from home is a fact of life. In the past year, many were required to do so for the 1st time. For others, working from home has been part of a life for some time. And for some, the pandemic opened up the opportunity to try something new – working in a direct sales/marketing position from home.
Fast Company reported this week that a recent Simform’s 2021 Remote Work Survey found that 82% of surveyed companies plan to allow their employees to work from home indefinitely and 77% want to make this a permanent solution. And for those working in direct sales/marketing, work is from wherever you are! Let’s make sure you are building healthy habits wherever your workday is!

Physical and Mental Habits for your Health and Sanity
- Wherever you work, MOVE! Guilty as charged for not always listening to this 🙂 Sitting down in front of a computer, the day can pass me by before realizing it. Even if it’s only to stand and stretch out a bit, get up! Set an alarm if needed at times throughout the day as a reminder it’s time to get up!
- If possible, separate your work area from your living area. And/or consider ways to section off a space as the work space in a tight space as your creative/productive work area. This boosts productivity and helps establish a work routine.
- Establish structure and routines to benefit you! How you start your day, sets the tone for the whole day. Know yourself!
- Are you a morning person or a night owl?
- List person or not?
- Work best alone or with others?
- Focus on the task at hand. Consider minimizing distractions (i.e. social media, checking email and text messages) and scheduling specific times of day for certain tasks. If you need a little help with reducing screen time, consider using one of these apps to reduce screen time and hold yourself accountable to stay productive.
- Consider listening to music while you work. Certain genres are considered helpful to decrease the “wandering mind” and help with the task at hand. Classical, ambient, jazz and others – what’s your preference?
- What are your work goals? Check them often and make sure your activities are supporting your goals.
- Consistency and practice are important traits for your sanity.
- Mindfulness breaks and mindful breathing are healthy ways to break up your busy work days!
Is Remote Working Here to Stay?
Working remotely has allowed people to reduce commutes, live, work and travel to/from desirable locations and maintain flexible working hours. Some estimate that up to 70% of the workforce will work remotely at least five days per month by 2025.
Another recent Gartner CFO survey revealed that over two-thirds (74%) plan to permanently shift employees to remote work after the Covid-19 crisis ends. Big Tech is leading the way with Twitter, Square and Facebook leading the way.
Where we work, how we work and how our work performance is measured are changing. Make sure you stay on top of information as we come through the “pandemic haze”.

Job Satisfaction
Job losses have been real amidst the pandemic. Stress for those working has risen. Changes in where we work, how we work and the demands upon those with and without jobs has impacted people, across professions. The Simform’s 2021 Remote Work Survey reveals 68% of respondents are unhappy at their current job and 57% of these are searching for a new job four times a week. Respondents are seeking to broaden their skills or move to another vertical.
Measuring job satisfaction is essential for companies who seek to retain key employees. Job gains are increasing after the devastating months of impact from the pandemic.
Know what makes your job satisfying for you. Corporate culture, pace of work, diversity of work, steadiness of tasks, feeling of security and safety are all considerations for you to ask yourself and measure for yourself.
What skills and training would you like to have? What parts of your day/job do you like the most? Why? Pay attention to what you do, how you do it and when the time flies – this tells you a lot about you.
Being here for one another is so important, especially now. Employers, check on your employees. Employees, check in on each other. Independent Contractors, make sure you have a good support system. No matter who, we all do better with a “back-up”.
The Living Planner is here to help you understand what’s at risk, what’s to gain and how to approach life in preparation for anything with realism, humor and compassion. For additional information my work, check out my website: or Email me with questions/comments:
Stay well –Lynn
PS Pay Attention to Data Security and Cyber Security while working from home 🙂
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