Disasters strike with little notice. People and kits are two things we can prepare in advance. It’s been an interesting week and weekend in Southern California. Excessive heat, two “swarms” of earthquakes and fire activity. Other areas of the country face other weather and non-weather related issues (cicada’s 🙂
Cost of Climate Disasters in the United States
NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) provides information about the impact of events per year. In 2021 (as of April 8), there has been 1 weather/climate disaster event with losses exceeding $1 billion to affect the United States. This was 1 winter storm event.
This event resulted in the deaths of 138 people and had significant economic effects on the areas impacted. The 1980–2020 annual average is 7.1 events (CPI-adjusted); the annual average for the most recent 5 years (2016–2020) is 16.2 events (CPI-adjusted). If you’re interested in more information from NOAA click here: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/billions/

Preparation for Natural Disasters
Hurricanes, tornados, flooding, any season storm events, earthquakes, volcanos and wildfires impact the entire country. Prediction tools may or may not give us an advance warning. When we don’t have this warning, how we are prepared in advance can allow recovery for your community, personal and business.
When you need help to get back on your feet, people and emergency kits are great resources. People who connect with people and businesses within and outside of the community offer shelter, refuge and support in various ways for those impacted for short and long periods of time.
Recovery and rebuilding efforts have no pre-determined time for completion schedules for you personally or for the community where you live. Knowing people who live near you can encourage all to be “ready to be ready” and help each other, should disaster strike.
Readiness Kits
Making a plan for you, the people in your household, your pets and your business is step one. Know your community resources for people, pets and businesses. Plan for various evacuation routes. Prepare your information and be mentally ready to “grab and go”.
Ready.gov provides information about making plans here: https://www.ready.gov/plan
For building and maintaining a kit, go here: https://www.ready.gov/kit
To be “tech ready” go here: https://www.ready.gov/get-tech-ready
I created a one page PDF to help get you started: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:02eb3cf1-c1d2-4318-bb0d-f9326cd007c8

Prevention is possible! Let’s make sure you have the information to proceed with developing and implementing plans for you, your families/pets and your work. Get ready to experience a huge sense of relief 🙂
For additional information about me, check out my website: https://thelivingplanner.com Have questions, email me: Lynn@thelivingplanner.com
Take care of you –Lynn
#CareForPeople #CareForBusiness #LifeHacks