Thanksgiving is a time to step back and Give Thanks! This week in the US is Thanksgiving Day. Wherever and however you are spending the day, it is the perfect time to be thankful 💗
Am wondering how we might go about giving thanks throughout the year. Compiled below are some ideas to get you started!

Ways to Give Thanks
- Showing thanks to others shows your appreciation of them in your life — when you make others feel good, it makes you feel good and then everyone feels good
- Being thankful gives you confidence — when you’re grateful for the things in your life, even if it’s something as simple as a beautiful sunset, it gives you more self-confidence. This means that you will be more confident and less worried about comparing yourself to others
- Thankfulness makes you a more up beat person — people who are more thankful are more positive instead of negative. When they see a glass with water in it, they say the glass is half full instead of half empty. We want to be thankful for the water that is there, not worry about the water that isn’t
- Writing in a gratitude journal can help you feel better and sleep better — if you keep a journal by your bed, this helps you start and end the day with a grateful heart. When you remember all of the good things from the day you’ll fall asleep with a big smile
- Being thankful reminds you of what is working and of being pleased and grateful for what you have — it also helps you get through life’s tough times because you can easily call to mind all of the good things in your life Shares 60 Things to be Thankful for
Need a boost? This Lifehack article shares 60 things to be thankful for: These things remind us that no matter what, we can seek and find something to be thankful for.

Giving Thanks to You
Thank you for being a part of my life. I appreciate you sharing this journey of life with me.
I know that it is not always easy to think about what I talk about weekly. Facing the curveballs life throws is not easy. We live in the moment and facing what the future holds always feels far away.
Taking action before those curveballs arrive by creating a game plan for the what-if’s, allow you to take control before the situation feels out of control. That’s where I come in 🙂
Finding ways to make it easier for you to assess what you have in place and what’s needed is what I love to do. I’ve learned so much about this in my professional and personal life. The short-term commitment pays off big time in the long-term.
Before life’s twists and turns impact you, your loved ones and your business, let’s talk. When you dig into the nitty gritty of your life, organize what needs to be done, and take action, it is a huge relief.
Check out my website to learn about me and what I do: Have questions, email me:
Take care of you –Lynn
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