Grief Talk Resource Guides were shared with me this week. These guides come from the National Alliance for Children’s Grief.
In a previous blog post I wrote about all the young ones who’ve lost a parent or parent like figure during this pandemic. Grief is tough at any time, and particularly during the holidays. If you know of anyone who may benefit from these resources, please pass them along 💗 I’m sharing what was shared to me from their website.
Have you considered End Of Life Planning for you and your loved ones? I know it’s hard to thing about this. And, it is powerful to think about it before something happens.
One of the new online courses I offer is End of Life Planning to help you get started:

GriefTalk is an initiative of the NAGC aimed at encouraging and supporting honest conversations around the topics of death and grief. This initiative has produced the following resources to date. We will release the tools weekly across November. The conversation topics are:
- Talking to Children about Death and Dying.
- Talking to a Child or Teen to Let them know Someone has Died
- Talking about End of Life Memorials and Rituals
- Talking about Grieving as a Family
The toolkits were created by a team of professionals who are dedicated NAGC members. With our members across the United States, we advocate for supportive conversations in this critical moment where a child’s life is changed forever. Join us this November to encourage everyone to get comfortable with their GriefTalk.

Talking to Children about Death and Dying

Talking to a Child or Teen to Let Them Know Someone Has Died

Talking about End of Life Memorials & Rituals

Talking about Grieving as a Family
Thank you to our GriefTalk Contributors: (listed in alphabetical order)
Erin Brodbeck, LCSW, CT, Director of Grief Services, Sunset Funeral Homes (Champaign, IL)
Karina Castillo, LCSW, Children’s Grief Support Program Manager, Community Hospice (Modesto, CA)
Colleen Cherry, Founder, PlayWell Child Life Services(Laguna Niguel, CA)
Alyssa Christensen, Grief Support Director, Mourning Hope Grief Center (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Lauren Clarke, Program Manager, Bridges for End-of-Life (Charleston, SC)
Lisa Conn, MSW, LISW-S, CAPT, Bereavement Counseling Professional, Ohio’s Hospice of Dayton (Dayton, OH)
Pamela Gabbay, EdD, FT, Co-Founder, The Satori Group (Virginia Beach, VA)
Peggy Galimberti, LMSW- Clinical, ACSW, Program Director, Ele’s Place (Ann Arbor, MI)
Heather Gianatassio, Certified Child Life Specialist and Grief Counselor
Melissa Lunardini, MA, MBA, CEO, Radical Grief, LLC (San Diego, CA)
Valerie Myers MS, CT, CEO, Myers Compassionate Grief Services, LLC (Owings Mills, MD)
Kaela O’Donnell, MSW, LCSWA, Program Therapist, KinderMourn (Charlotte, NC)
Buffy Peters, Director, Hamilton’s Academy of Grief & Loss (Des Moines, Iowa)
Irwin Sandler, Research Professor, Resilient Parenting for Bereaved Families (Phoenix, AZ)
Corrie Sirota MSW, PSW, Clinical Social Worker & Psychotherapist, Author and Clinical Director of Myra’s Kids Foundation (Montreal, Quebec)
Blair Stockton, MS, CCLS, CTP, CGCS, Compass Child and Teen Grief Services Coordinator, Four Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care (Flat Rock, NC)
Sending Holiday Wishes to You and Yours

Helping others get ready for the practical preparation in is what I love to do. Check out my website to learn about me: My book The Living Planner (What to Prepare Now While You are Living) is available here
And, I’ve developed various topic specific online courses geared to jump start planning for you, your families, young adults, businesses and your pets 🙂 To check them out, the Home Page is: Have questions, email me:
From my home to yours –Lynn