End of year prep is upon us. The finish line is in sight! Thinking about what could be advantageous for you now and to begin the new year, here is a list to help you get started.
In the corporate arena many departments (i.e. accounting, human resources, inventory, sales +) have checklists to complete for year end activities. Let’s keep it short and sweet this week to help you get ready your home and home business ready for year end.

There is No Time Like the Present
Helping others get ready for the practical preparation in is what I love to do. Check out my website to learn about me: https://thelivingplanner.com My book The Living Planner (What to Prepare Now While You are Living) is available here https://www.e-junkie.com/i/u8ac.
Check out the online courses I’ve developed! These online resources cover various topics geared to jump start planning for you, your families, young adults, businesses and your pets 🙂 To check them out, the Home Page is: https://courses.thelivingplanner.com Have questions, email me: Lynn@thelivingplanner.com
Enjoy some down time as you close out the year –Lynn