Simple pleasures in everyday life are two little words everyone interprets personally! As summertime approaches, what are your simple pleasures?

A Few Ideas
One of the fun ways to incorporate simple pleasures into your everyday life is to close your eyes for a moment and think about things that bring a smile to your face. Here are a few ideas to get you started 🙂
- Take in a sunrise/sunset
- Enjoy time outside in nature
- Quiet your mind
- Turn on music
- Sip on a favorite drink
- Hop on a bike
- Write in a journal
- Read a good article/book
- Watch a program, documentary, movie
- Listen to a podcast
- Dabble in art
- Prepare a favorite meal
- Snuggle up for a nap
- Unplug the world for a day
- Something meaningful for you 🙂

Make Time for Summer Fun!
Summertime, ah summertime! Even with work, there are plenty of ways to make some time for fun. Remember the old saying “all work and no play…”? Time off from work is necessary for everyone!
I’ll be practicing what I preach today. In a town near mine, there is a lavender and eucalyptus U-Pick farm event! Off I go to enjoy some time in nature, with a basket, clippers and fresh lavender and eucalyptus!
Keeping this short today as a reminder to find your simple pleasures and make time for summer fun! Reach out anytime by email to let me know questions pertinent to you/yours:
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Ponder this quote by Albert Einstein and enjoy the week ahead — Lynn “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
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