The holidays are around the corner. Do you manage your stress well? How often do you say, “I’ve got this”, especially during stressful times?
The hype of the season, the expectations we place on ourselves and perceive may seem a bit much. Let’s address stress a little differently today – you’ve got this 😉
Today, I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful woman I’ve met, Jessica Harrington! I’ve asked her to answer the questions I pose for the Advisor Perspective Series to provide you with her perspective on “I’ve got this” and stress!
First a little information about Jessica! She received her Master in Public Health at West Chester University. Jessica is the owner of Journey to Yourself, is a speaker, and stress management coach. Through her career and education, she realized that we all have a common issue—everyone, at some point or another, struggles with handling stress. Through her own life journey, Jessica created Journey To Yourself.
If you’d like to contact Jessica directly, her website is: and her email is: To listen to her Podcast: Welcome Jessica!
Question 1. What do you enjoy about working with your clients?
I love seeing their confidence within themselves. Anyone can tell you that you are smart, pretty, talented etc… It hits differently when you can see it in themselves. That “I got this” power is something else especially as you go through new stressful situations. When life tries to bring you down “again”. When you start to see confidence in yourself, you are able to bring a new mindset, perspective, and action to the next challenge.
Question 2. How would you suggest a potential new client prepare for a 1st meeting?
A notebook, or something that takes notes on. I am still a bit old fashioned and need to physically write things down. The first meeting we will discuss what is the stressor that brought you to me. We will then discuss small, step by step habits you can start this week.
Question 3. When someone agrees to become a client, what can they expect immediately? Over time?
Immediately I would say breathing time. You know when you are so overwhelmed and stressed out you can’t remember when you took a breath. Then you take that, and it’s this “ahh” feeling. That’s your immediate response. Overtime, confidence and control back. Some of us when we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, we feel we have no control. We feel we have done everything the gurus say, read all the books and we still can’t get our life “together”. Over time I help get that feeling of “I know the answers, or I know where to look for them” type of confidence.
Question 4. What is your service philosophy?
I breakdown the stressor into bite size pieces, meaning we focus on the “one” thing you can do today. This one thing I want is to be realistic to your schedule as it is today. I do not believe in completely removing something out of your life. I believe slowly adding/removing things. Stress means reaction to change, so even if it’s a good change it can cause stress.
Question 5. What resources do you provide to assist “laypeople” with understanding what is being discussed?
I am all about this. I have free resources on my page, from free online courses, blogs, apps I recommend and more!
Bonus Question! If you were to relay one piece of advice to anyone reading this, what would it be?
Ooo, I would say “You are stronger than you think” I know its a common saying, but it is true. You hear these stories of trauma or pain people have overcome. We look at these people as strong, and wish we could be like that. I am here to remind you are that strong. You can accomplish that goal. Where we get caught up is we want it NOW. We don’t wait for our growth to set in. We forget that things take time. I promise you got this, and you are stronger than you think.

Time to Give Thanks
November – the month we give thanks! We thank our veterans in November and we celebrate the blessings and harvests at Thanksgiving.
I’d like to add my thanks to you for your support, feedback, and business ❣ Always know it’s ok to reach out to explore if what you’ve got allows you to say, “I’ve got this”! Planning for you, your loved ones and your work/business evolves – let’s make sure you’re up to date.
Send me a note at: or call/text my office +1951.400.5966 to reach me. My main website is: and to check out online courses/resources to assist people, pets and businesses check it out here:
Charlie Brown said it well, “What if today, we were just grateful for everything?” To the week ahead 💗 Lynn
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