Resistance is a word that has popped up quite a bit for me of late. First, it was the theme of my daily meditation. Then, it was the topic of conversation when discussing 2nd half of the year planning! From the simple to the complex, as humans when we are doing something that matters, resistance can creep in.
My curiosity took over and after reading about resistance, it seemed a good topic to explore today. Happy reading!

Image by Leopictures from Pixabay
How to Get Unstuck
Neuroscience has proven that resistance is real and common for all of us. It pops up as a natural reaction as you try something that, matters to you. It often shows up as the “little voice” of doubt that asks questions about your abilities, capabilities, and willingness.
Brain scans show the right side of the prefrontal region that lies behind your forehead lights up when you’re trying to avoid something. This same region also lights up with negative emotions.
It seems to be “hard-wired” into us because when the brain anticipates something to be uncomfortable, it feels so much better to stay with what’s comfortable. Think about the task, project, or assignment that you’d rather avoid.
Whatever it is for you, don’t put it off until tomorrow. Greet that subtle voice of resistance and consider it as opportunity to step up and step in to something new.
How WillYou Feel?
In many cases, we either consciously or subconsciously resist things because we’re trying to avoid something that we’re not totally comfortable with. You may wonder how things may change “when”, or ask yourself will people treat me differently?
An important question to ask yourself is, “How will I feel when it’s finished”? This is the question that can motivate you to take one step toward whatever it is you’re resisting. If your motivation for feeling better (dare I say great?!) is strong, taking that first step can lead to more steps.

Contingency Planning
Making time to assess your vulnerabilities at home and work allows you to focus on what’s important to you and those who count on you daily. Life presents us with difficult issues. Seeking solutions, providing support and guidance, and determining a good plan of action are what I do in my work every day.
To consider some things to consider earlier vs. later, my book The Living Planner (What to Prepare Now While You Are Living) is a resource for you. Here is a direct link to my shopping cart. Check it out HERE. For those who prefer to access information via an online portal, I’ve created a step-by-step 12-Module DIY method: Check it out HERE.
Making time to assess your vulnerabilities at home and work allows you to focus on what’s important to you and those who count on you daily. We’re at the halfway point of the year. It’s a great time to get started!
Let me know if you’re ready. Have a great week ahead ❣️Lynn
#Can’tPredictCanPrepare #PlanfortheUnplanned