Room by Room

February is here! As we embark on month two of 2023, it’s a great time to consider a room by room review of what’s where! This is a challenge I’m giving myself as I prepare to simplify this year!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Purpose of a Room by Room Review

It’s so easy to go through day to day life on auto-pilot. Keys here, bills there, all the “stuff” we use frequently in regular places and what we use infrequently in what I call “the hidey holes”!

This year, I’ve made a pact with myself to simplify and determine if what I have is what I need. There are other reasons to consider this review. Watching the extreme weather beginning so early this year, there is a practical reason for this exercise. Could you file a comprehensive insurance claim if necessary to recoup losses from the impact of a storm, flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane or tornado?

Suggestions to Begin

When was the last time you completed a home inventory? Or better yet, have you ever conducted a home inventory?!

Going from room to room with your phone may be the easiest way to begin. The days of video recordings using your phone are commonplace now. Every year, I take my phone and stand in a room giving the narration of what’s there. I open drawers, closets and cabinets and describe what’s what.

I make sure to upload my video to a service I use (Vimeo) that will allow me to open it from anywhere. You could create a private YouTube channel and upload videos there as an option. The point is to do it and have a record of what’s where, just in case!

If you have original receipts for your purchases, even better! If you opt to clear some things out, make sure to either photograph or video those items too – it may be possible to donate and claim a tax deduction!

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Check Your Insurance Policy

Now it’s time to review your renter’s or homeowner’s policy to understand what’s covered, what’s not and if they pay out on the original value or replacement value.

As we learned with the hurricanes, tornados, and the recent flooding in California do you have flood insurance? Flood insurance is often a separate policy rider. It’s a good idea to check with your policy provider what exactly are the provisions in your policy.

* And while you’re at it, make sure to check inventory and insurance for outside storage areas, ATM’s, boats and other recreational vehicles. Videos and narration including when items were purchased or rented, document the details often required by insurance.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Why Now?

When asked why now, my reply is why not? It’s so easy to put this off. It’s easier to think about “room by room” to give yourself some breathing space. Breaking down projects into smaller pieces is a way to begin, build momentum and complete the task!

February is a short month. Valentine’s Day is around the corner. A great way to show love to yourself is the gift of comfort and relief. Knowing you know what’s where is a good thing. And, sharing important details with your “back-up team” is even better!

When we can break down things into small tasks and even lump the tasks together, it’s easier somehow. If you’d like to discuss, email me: or if prefer to schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call to discuss your particulars, let’s do it!

My main website is: If you’d like to try a DIY approach, check out my online courses/resources to assist people, pets and businesses here:

Signing off this week with a quote by Satya Nadella, “It’s our own ability to have an idea and go after the idea and make it happen. That’s what at the end of the day defines us.” To you and all that defines YOU! -Lynn

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