Funny thing, blind spots are referenced often in life. What are blind spots?
Merriam Webster provides three simple definitions:
- : an area around a car, truck, etc., that the driver cannot see
- : a tendency to ignore something especially because it is difficult or unpleasant
- : a small area at the back of the eye that is not sensitive to light
In John Maxwell’s podcast The Blind Spot, he defined them as “areas in our lives in which we continually do not see ourselves or our situations realistically”.
What all three have in common is that we do not see clearly.
In his podcast, Mr. Maxwell identified 6 blind spots. Overcoming blind spots involves a willingness to explore areas where we may hold a fixed opinion about something that may or may not be true. Below you will find an overview of the 6 blind spots Mr. Maxwell identified along with actions you may take to minimize yours!
A Singular Perspective
People with this blind spot only see things from their perspective. Sometimes they’re so focused on their “way” that they don’t sense what other people think or feel.
Question to ask: Am I missing anything? And, really mean it!
Insecure people are easy to spot because they are always doing inward checks and they have a hard time giving credit to others. They’re also threatened by others’ success preferring to use the crabs in a barrel approach to ensure no one rises above them.
Action to take: Find and give credit to others for their contributions.
Devaluing People
People who devalue others are control freaks. They expect their people to serve them. In many cases their approach to motivation is often driven by their needs as opposed to the needs of others.
Consideration: Synergy recognizes that the sum of all parts is greater than the whole. What can be gained by expanding your net?
Ego Out of Control
In the podcast, Mr. Maxwell shared this quote: “Pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes.”
Consideration: The ego is a necessary component for all of us. Including humility with our endeavors does recognize and celebrate the coordination of many.
Lack of Character
As John so correctly stated, “Character is the sum total of all of our everyday choices,” and a lack of character is often proven to be the most dangerous blind spot to leave unchecked. People do not climb beyond the limitations of their character or the character of the people they allow into their inner circle.
Consideration: Seek a truthful perspective of you from a few trusted people. Seek help with areas in life that may be obstructing your greatness.
Living in Our Weak Zone Instead of Our Strength Zone
We are intuitive in our areas of strengths, and blind spots typically reside in the areas we are not good at. To maximize your potential, it is imperative you spend 80% of your waking hours doing tasks in your areas of strength.
Consideration: Designing your time investments around your strengths and offloading to others those other activities outside your wheelhouse.
When you think of doing all you do throughout your day, would it be easy for someone to step into your shoes, if ever needed? When we step back to see clearly and recognize blind spots, we can map out how to take empowered action.
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