The next step on my journey is beginning! Adulting Adventures Ahead is a new adventure for me, as I launch a Virtual Summit December 15-17, 2020.
The GenZ Life Hacks Summit brings together 24 Professionals from across the US. It was a privilege to interview these professionals as they share what they’ve learned throughout life.
The theme, “We look back so you can look forward” was designed for us to give perspective, inspiration and encouragement for young adults to be all they can be!

What Do You Wish You Had Known?
Listen in to the interviews I conduct AND one where the “shoe is on the other foot”, as one of my mentees interviews me! The details of the Summit are as follows.
- The summit will be taking place from December 15-17, 2020
- About 8 interviews will be broadcast every day. They’ll only be live for 24 hours. Registration is free. The official agenda toward the bottom of this page:
- Registrants will receive the links to watch the interviews via email as the summit progresses. * Each day will be aired on a different page *
- Anyone can upgrade their free ticket to the All-Access Pass at anytime and get lifetime access to a membership site where every interview is stored. Plus, they receive After Hours Bonus Interviews!
- Upgrades to the All-Access Pass are processed here:
- The price of that All-Access Pass is going up from pre-sale price of $27 to during-summit price of $47 as soon as the summit kicks off!
- And, 10% of Summit Sales will be donated to Rocky Mountain Institute, a non-profit focused on Protecting our Environment
Adulting Starts When We Turn 18
Ready or not, adulting responsibilities in the eyes of the law in most states when we turn 18. These responsibilities inclue the practical, the legal, the medical, the financial, the technological/social and how employee benefits work.
I’ve been collecting questions I receive from amazing young adults filled with curiosity, insight and eagerness for information and hope that the world ahead can be a better place. During the Summit, there is an Ask the Question section for them to ask away for any of the speakers and/or a General Question.
After the Summit, I’ll collate the Questions, provide the answers and make sure we all keep learning and growing.

Business and Life Intersect throughout life. Building up habits when we are first starting out is powerful. When we proceed through life knowing how to turn problems into opportunities, we are set up to live our best life!

Young or young at heart and ready to learn and be inspired? It’s a good time to plan for Q1 2021. When you want to talk about taking care of business at home and work, contact me via Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner for additional information.
If I may be of assistance, reach out. Stay well –Lynn
#LifeAndBusinessIntersect #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness #StepUpStepIn