Change is in the air

Nature provides such a clear example of change through the seasonal changes we experience.  We cycle through the seasons each year knowing the sometimes the changes are subtle, sometimes distinct.  Nothing stands still, change is natural, expected and certain.


Summer days are drawing to a close.  A new season is upon us.   Sparky Anderson said, “Good seasons start with good beginnings”.

How do we prepare for a “good beginning”? Reflecting upon the numerous times in life we may transition, it is helpful to consider how you react to change.  How many of you grew up hearing, “The only thing constant in life is change”? While this may be true, we may not always like it!

Good plans, preparation, solid choices and decisions help us to prepare for change in all seasons in life.  Transitioning to new conditions or circumstances in life or in business occurs throughout our lives.  We go to school, start working, leave home, enter into relationships, have families, move, start businesses, change jobs, plan for retirement, retire – and more.

Whether you are at home or work, it may be helpful to ask a series of questions as you prepare for a new beginning:

  1. What is your desired result?
  2. What will it take for you to achieve it?
  3. Do you have the resources to help you?
  4. What is the timeline?
  5. How will you measure your progress?
  6. If variables change along the way, have you built in contingency plans?
  7. What is the exit plan?
  8. Are you committed?


Often, we link our identity with what we do, where we live, with whom we associate and more.  If your job changes, if family dynamics change, if your environment changes, then what?  Would you prefer to wait and see what happens, opt to ignore the changes or step up and prepare for what’s next?

Life offers us many seasons.  Change is in the air.  How will you greet the change?


When you are ready for assistance to ensure you, your family members, employees and company are ready for anything life hands you, we are ready for you.  Advanced planning at home and work serves people in measurable and profound ways.

The Living Planner supports proactive resources and quality one-on-one comprehensive individual/family and business planning.  Contact us to learn more about how we work with individuals, business owners and employees via Email or online @ The Living Planner






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