We covered Social Security and Medicare a few weeks back. Changes appear to be on the horizon for Social Security recipients, which may require more in-person office visits or the use of online tools. The changes mostly impact two groups of people: those seeking Social Security benefits for the first time and current recipients who are looking to change their address and/or bank account information.

By: Joe St. George
ScrippsNews.com and FastCompany.com wrote extensively this week about the changes and impact.
Beginning March 31st, The Social Security Administration (SSA) will require millions of Americans to potentially verify their identity in person, even as the federal government plans on closing offices nationwide and has cut thousands of the agency’s jobs as part of the Department of Government Efficiency’s slashing of the federal workforce.
In a statement, the SSA explained: “Individuals seeking these services who cannot use their personal ‘My Social Security’ online account, which requires online identity proofing, will need to visit a local Social Security office to prove their identity in person.”
How to start or update a Social Security claim after March 31
If you receive Social Security or have a family member who might be affected by these changes, here’s what you need to know.
Starting March 31, Americans who start a benefits claim on the telephone cannot complete a claim until verifying their identity in person. The SSA recommends requesting an in-person appointment to begin and complete the claim in one interaction.
Individuals who wish to change their direct deposit information or their address can do so using the agency’s online “My Social Security” services. SSA requires change of address notifications immediately, and no later than 10 days after the end of the month in which the change occurred.
Those who cannot use the online service will need to visit a local office to process the change or call 1-800-772-1213 to schedule an in-person appointment. People who do not already have a “My Social Security” account can create one at www.ssa.gov/myaccount/.
Potential Social Security Office Closures
Simultaneously with the required in-office visits, Meg Kinnard of the Associated Press reported 26 potential Social Security office closures by the end of the year, based on publicly available information about leases and their expiration dates. They are as follows.
634 Broad St., Gadsden: Sept. 30
965 Holiday Drive, Forrest City: April 25
4083 Jefferson Ave., Texarkana: May 25
825 N. Crest Drive, Grand Junction: June 21
4740 Dairy Road, Melbourne: May 16
1338 Broadway, Columbus: Sept. 30
825 High St., Hazard: April 24
178 Civic Center Drive, Houma: April 25
4717 26th St., Meridian: June 1
604 Yalobusha St., Greenwood: June 1
2383 Sunset Drive, Grenada: May 1
3701 American Way, Missoula: June 21
North Carolina
730 Roanoke Ave., Roanoke Rapids: Aug. 1
2123 Lakeside Drive, Franklin: June 23
2805 Charles Blvd., Greenville: June 24
1865 W. City Drive, Elizabeth City: June 24
North Dakota
1414 20th Ave. SW, Minot: June 21
701 Bridger Ave., Las Vegas: June 1
New York
75 S. Broadway, White Plains: May 31
332 Main St., Poughkeepsie: July 31
30 N. Diamond St., Mansfield: May 17
1610 SW Lee Blvd., Lawton: April 25
1122 N. University Drive, Nacogdoches: May 7
8208 NE Zac Lentz Parkway, Victoria: May 25
West Virginia
1103 George Kostas Drive, Logan: April 30
79 Winston Drive, Rock Springs: June 20
Help with Social Security
I found a few items on the Social Security website for those who may need help with all things Social Security.
Get Help with Social Security
If someone you know needs assistance with their Social Security, Social Security has information available that can help. They may need someone to assist them through the entire process of applying for benefits and need to appoint a professional such as an attorney or a caseworker.
If you wish to disclose your information or records to someone else, such as a friend, Social Security has a brief video, What to do if you need help with your Social Security business, explains both Representation and Disclosure.
Get Legal or Advocacy Help
Your local Social Security office lists legal referral services and non-profit organizations (such as legal aid services and local bar associations, meal assistance, and more) that either provide services free of charge or help you find a representative. After selecting the zip code of your local Social Security office, look for Local Agencies on the page that can assist with these and other support services in your community.
Appeal a Decision for Benefits
If someone you know was denied Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income, they can request an appeal. Social Security provides information on how to appeal decisions for both medical and non-medical reasons. View the brief “How To: File an Appeal if You Disagree with a Decision” video for more information.
Appeal a Decision on a Medical Review
If someone you know received a letter from Social Security telling them their Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits will be stopped because of a Medical Review, they can request an appeal. Information can be found in the publication, How We Decide if You Still Have a Qualifying Disability. View the brief “What to do if We Decide You are No Longer Disabled” video for more information.
If you help someone appeal the Medical Review decision, they may be able to request their benefits continue while their case is under review. You can view this brief “How to request your benefits continue if you appeal a Medical Review” video for more information.
Get a Benefit Verification Letter
If someone you know needs a Benefit Verification Letter, often called a proof of income letter, from Social Security, they can get a printable copy of their Benefit Verification Letter instantly by creating or logging in to their personal my Social Security account.
Get a replacement Social Security Benefit Statement or SSA-1099
If someone you know needs a replacement SSA-1099 or SSA-1042S, also known as a Social Security Benefit Statement, they can get a printable copy of the tax form instantly by creating or logging in to their personal my Social Security account.
Report a Change
People who receive benefits from Social Security are required to report any change that could affect their eligibility for disability, retirement, and Supplemental Security Income benefits. This may include, but is not limited to, starting or ending a job, starting or ending other benefits, a change of address, or traveling outside the country for 30 consecutive days. Please see below for more:
- What You Need to Know When You Get Retirement or Survivors Benefits
- What You Need to Know When You get Social Security Disability Benefits
- What You Need to Know When You Get Supplemental Security Income

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Keep Breathing
I feel like this Dino breathing out a big “poof when I was reviewing the change information disclosed this week”! These changes to Social Security are a news flash for many.
Changes are happening fast this year. I pledge to stay on top of as much as I can to share with you. No matter what, keep breathing in and out!
If you’re available and want to join my March Document Madness live sessions, there are two times this week. March 25th at 8:30 am Pacific Time, or March 26th at 9 am Pacific Time. The cost for each live session is $25 USD. Sign up HERE (https://bit.ly/4kwYanI)
If you have other questions about your planning or any changes ahead, please send me an Email or Message me and I’ll get right back to you. For additional information about my work check out @ The Living Planner or @ The Living Planner.
If you’re up for planning for your life’s administrative side, my book is a resource for you. The Living Planner What to Prepare Now While You Are Living © Check it out HERE.
Let’s close with this quote by Hermann Hesse “Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” Keep breathing everyone ❣️ Lynn
#Can’tPredict #Can Prepare