
Contingencies are a topic near and dear to my heart.  Why is a deeply personal reason.  Because it is so much easier to think about, plan for and practice for when we are not immersed in a crisis situation.  After 1st hand experience at home and work, if given a choice, I choose advanced preparation 100 times out of 100!

It’s tough experiencing an emergency situation at home or work.  It’s devastating experiencing a personal loss or the loss of a key employee.  It stinks to have a cyber attack, data stolen, product mishaps, external threats from competitors, etc.  When we are amidst a crisis situation, our ability to reason, think and act with clarity/focus is impacted.

On the other hand, when we think about, plan for and practice “what if scenarios”, we teach ourselves to respond vs. react.  It’s akin to building a muscle.  Repetition increases strength and lessens our resistance factor.

Upon reading recent articles about the impact of unconscious bias and how it impacts learning, it appears that unlearning can open up the potential for new learning!  Having bias is as natural as breathing.  Challenging bias, however, opens us up to unlearning/new learning.  Add in a healthy sprinkle of accountability and new behavior is possible!

There is an old saying from Chaucer, “Familiarity breeds contempt” that may be suitable here.  Because we may have had long familiarity with avoidance, we become clear about this as faulty thinking.  Yet, even when we may review this with scorn, until there is a “trigger” we continue the behavior.

Searching for an alternative is possible!  Consider this activity at work as a way to simulate a “trigger”.  Gather your leadership team/department heads.  Ask them what would happen if one of their key employees was out suddenly without knowing when they would be back.  What would the impact be to your organization, your clients, your vendors, the community?

Now, consider your employees.  Do you provide information, resources or support for them if they experience a crisis at home?  Let’s think about proactively – is your corporate culture one that provides a “go to resource” for the people in your organization during a serious situation?

How about you/your family?  If needed, could family members step in for family members to continue day to day life?

These are the things that keep me on my toes.  How might I bring awareness, educate and consult to bring about people and companies taking action in advance of needing it?  My book The Living Planner©, blogging, speaking, workshops and on-site consultation are all ways to take action with me.

Today, I invite you to consider your readiness and reach out to review your contingency plans.  Contact us to learn more about how we work with individuals, business owners and employees via Email or online @ The Living Planner  #ExpectTheUnexpected #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness

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