Details, details, details! What do you think about when you hear the phrase “pay attention to the little things”? Does attention to detail come easily and naturally to you or not? In preparation for filing my taxes, I’ve been assembling what I need to file. Talk about details! One part of me loves the organization of all of this. The other part of me would much prefer it to be finished already!
As I am tackling 2020 taxes, I decided to get everything together to update my Will and Trust. I’m a glutton for punishment, I suppose 🙂 It made so much sense to me to tackle both projects together, as piles and spreadsheets were surrounding me!
To make any project easier, it helps to start with one thing. When we consider everything it can be too much – too big conceptually and we avoid whatever it is altogether. Tackling one thing at a time builds positive momentum and propels us forward with more enthusiasm. We feel good and that feeling helps us take the next step with one more thing!
Here is a list of many little things to gather together when creating or updating your Will and Trust. This week, let’s start with People.
All living family members (include personal details, i.e. Date of Birth, SSN, Phone number, Address and Email Address)
People and/or Charities you will name in your documents to receive a bequest
People you will designate as your “agent” to help you if needed while you are living (called a Power of Attorney) or to take care of things after you’ve gone (Executor or Trustee)
People to care for minor children and the financial means to do so (Guardian)
People to care for animals and the financial means to do so (many organizations or shelters are unable to assist unless financial provisions are met)
Allow me to encourage you to take action now! All the little things combined are a big thing if we haven’t prepared and something happens to us or our loved ones. We’re living amidst a pandemic. This is a big deal. This virus is present and the variants are fierce.
Protecting ourselves goes beyond wearing a mask, washing our hands, avoiding crowds and maintaining distance. It includes taking care of the business of life to provide ourselves a safety net and provide a roadmap for those close to us to help us, if needed.
This applies to our personal lives and our work lives and/or businesses. The time is here and the time is now to start taking action. Start with one thing (I highly suggest people!) to feel a sense of accomplishment before taking the next step with one more thing.
Breathe in … Breathe out! Look at your life now and begin! You can do it!
I’m crafting an online resource of all the “one things” for all areas of life to be used in conjunction with online Zoom sessions. Contact me via Email ( if you or your family, co-workers or friends may be interested. Plan to start after I complete my taxes!
It’s important we know what we have, where we have it and make sure we’re set up for someone to help us when needed. To better days ahead. Stay well –Lynn