Question for us to ponder, at what age did you start thinking about adult responsibilities? How did you learn about the “hows” of establishing a strong foundation? What is a good foundation anyway?
The definition by is great for the purposes of this blog today. Here’s what they say, “Foundation, the basis or groundwork of anything: the moral foundation of both society and religion.” It is a base for something whether that is a structure or of people in society.

These word clouds represent lots of “base” when it comes to a building a foundation. When we go off to live life, we begin living lives of independence and become leaders. How do we figure it all out? How do we learn and gain experience, abilities, skills and competence?
In April of last year, The Pew Research Center’s Fact Tank highlighted facts (see charts below and this link to the article ) for us to absorb. Statistics help with understanding of trends.
Generational numbers are fasinating and as this infographic depicts, step aside Boomers. Your days in the top spot are over. There’s a new top dog in the US labor force! Topping the charts with 1/3 of the US workforce are the Millennials!

Establishing a sound foundation for all young adults/young professionals is an important issue for all who are in US society. As the upcoming generations step into leading our country and workforce into the future, we all benefit by providing a strong foundation with and for them.
In my day, “role models” was the term used for people we looked up to learn about character, accumen, skills, values and more. Today, the terms “coaches, mentors and sponsors” are used often in the workplace and life. Providing help, assistance and guidance to those who seek improvement, growth and development benefits the giver and receiver.

Throughout life, having “fresh eyes” to assist with unfamiliar tasks, projects and situations is invaluable. Multi-generational perspectives adds depth and breadth to products, customer care, marketing, sales and bottom-line profits.
The term 20/20 hindsight comes to mind when considering ways to give back and move ahead. The word clouds come back into play when determining how to address developing the base foundation for future leaders. When you were starting out, what would have provided benefit to you? Is this something you are willing to give back now?
I’ve always believed we all wish to be seen, be heard and be valued. The power of multiple perspectives coming together to create something better than any “one” of us could is a power to behold.
All thoughts are welcome here – I’d love to hear from you about this. Comment here, shoot me an email, or text. Would enjoy having you with me as I go full steam ahead with Life Planning Skills programs for young adults hitting the age of legality and for a young professionals program as they begin their careers and make choices about benefits and life.
Appreciate the power of synergy. Building strong foundations for our future leaders involves a willingness for each of us to be teachers and students. We have so much to gain!
Reach out with questions via Email. Additional information is available upon request or on the website @ The Living Planner
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