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This week (Tuesday 15 May, 2018), a California court in Riverside County overturned an end of life choice for  people in California.  California’s Assisted Death Law was overturned due to concerns about how it was passed by the Legislature during a special session on health care funding.

What’s next?

The judge gave the state attorney general five days to file an emergency petition to stay his order while the ruling is appealed.  As of today, the assisted death law is in limbo.  California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Tuesday that he disagrees with the ruling and will seek an expedited review. The uncertainty could affect hundreds of Californians.

Currently, there are seven states that allow doctors to prescribe lethal prescriptions for terminally ill patients (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Montana, Oregon, Vermont and Washington plus the District of Columbia).   In these states, two physicians must independently determine that requesting patients have six months or less to live, are making an informed, voluntary decision, and are mentally competent. Patients must self-administer the prescription.

The End of Life Options Act allows healthcare organizations and providers to opt against participating in aid-in-dying. Some have done so, while other large organizations such as Kaiser Permanente have chosen to participate.

While there are many who disagree about the morality of the law, there is hope that its existence will spur more and better end-of-life care discussions, and increase the use of palliative and hospice care, which is what providers in other aid-in-dying states such as Oregon and Washington have reported.

If you are interested in this topic, or wish to keep track of it’s status, Kaiser Health News provides a Morning Briefing through this link: Kaiser Health News Morning Briefing

The Living Planner proactively helps you assess ways for you to take the lead with how you prepare for contingencies at home and business.  Laws impact our choices and decisions.  We provide assistance for you to make informed decisions reflecting what is important to you by asking questions and exploring with you.  When you’re ready to explore how to be ready, we’re here for you.

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