Keeping up with Routine Medical Appointments

Pandemic or no pandemic, do you keep up with routine medical appointments? Ok, confession here, I am an annual physical person. Like clockwork, I go in for routine exams!

During these crazy times, I was pleasantly surprised with the ease of scheduling and participating in my first video annual exam with my primary care doc. Yes, there were some preliminary technical steps to take to ensure the video service used by my primary care provider was ready in advance. Thankfully, they provided easy to use steps to help me!

Yes, I was to report honestly my current weight to the technician who greeted me online 🙂 When my doctor entered the “room”, it was the two of us on the video call, talking as we would if I was in her office. We discussed some follow-up blood tests she desired and talked through the pros/cons of getting the test now vs. later.

You see, the county where I live is “surging”. Our case numbers are rising and the ICU capacity of our hospitals is approaching 100%. It was time to get “creative”. Thankfully, my insurance allows for Tier One testing facilities within walking distance. One of the two available allowed me to book an appointment for “non-COVID-19” testing online within specified hours.

I opted to go now, before the fall flu period, after conferring with my doctor. Having the online appointment, I was armed with my mask on, Clorox wipe in my hand and insurance card/payment ready. There was no one in the waiting room (the benefit of finding an early morning appointment online)! I was in and out in less than 15 minutes!

Check with your doctor in your area about how things look in the community. Learn the details of your co-pay and testing options covered by insurance. Make sure you are keeping up with your health care. Now more than ever, it is important to focus on your overall health.

The CDC addresses managing primary care during the pandemic with updated changes for the medical community. If you are interested in reading the article, here is the link

Now, a different type of health question for you. Have you completed and/or updated HIPPA documentation with your primary care doc and/or hospital? This allows you to give permission for your doctor to talk to people you designate about your health. Same with hospitals, they must have permission from you before they can discuss your condition/status with another.

Sir Winston Churchill was a wise man. Focusing on you, for you and about you is important when I work with clients and their family members and/or teams. COVID-19 is a time to take care of the business of life. Are you/yours protected in case?

Know I’m here anytime you’re ready to review what protection strategies you have in place and identify what’s missing and how best to fill the gaps. If you or someone you know would benefit from working with me individually, for their employees or companies, contact me via Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner for additional information.

Stay well. –Lynn

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