Organization, at this time of year?! No, I’m not kidding! Amidst the craziness of the year, concentrating on completing work projects, decorating at home and enjoying social time with friends and family, considering how to juggle all the balls can seem an insurmountable task!
Piles of files is something I saw at home and work! Have you ever observed the person with a desk that was so covered that it seemed impossible to locate something? I marveled when my first boss could find anything on his desk! Is an “uncluttered” desk the sign of an empty mind or is a place to enjoy free space to work?

Choices abound with ways and means to organize yourself personally and professionally. Are you comfortable with technology, shared files and the cloud? Are you more comfortable with paper files to have nearby? Knowing yourself and how you process information will help you with decisions about storage and maintenance of information and files.
Being a blend of “high tech / high touch”, I prefer a combination of paper and electronic informational organization! Online life is a labyrinth of user names and passwords for home and work. Our calendars and scheduling includes home and work activities. How we manage our information and time impacts others – professionally and socially.

How we manage our information also impacts us, when and if we rely on others to help us out. Do colleagues have access to the people, information and status of projects/progress, should you be away? Does your family have the ability to access what you access to pay bills, contact service providers, check policies or contact work for you if you are unable to follow through?
As we approach the end of the year, I encourage you to think about your organizational life and it’s impact for you and others at home and work. Take a peek at your paper and electronic “filing” system(s) and ask yourself if they are accessible to others, just in case? If so, bravo! If not, consider implementing tweaks for 2019!

If you’d like to discuss ways to prepare for and/or respond to personal and professional access, reach out. I’ve walked in the unique shoes of this perspective, when you’re ready for some help for your family or your business.
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