Prepare for Fall 2020

How do we prepare for fall of 2020 to maintain our sanity?! This year has been something else. The up’s and down’s. The losses and silver linings. The continued days of new cases and deaths. Long summer days are shorter and shorter. Let’s take a collective deep breath in and out as we prepare for fall 2020!

Ten Tips to boost our emotional and mental health

  1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule and turn off the technology 30-60 minutes before sleep (ahhh, this one I need!)
  2. Find ways to move your body everyday, even after the weather cools off
  3. Choose healthy food options a majority of the time
  4. Spend time in the sunlight daily, if possible
  5. Maintain schedules for work, school, meals/snacks, exercise and sleep daily
  6. Quiet your mind with meditation and practice mindfulness
  7. Train your mind by considering desired thoughts
  8. Notice things that are going right
  9. Unplug from the “noise” in the world and appreciate stillness when you can
  10. Practice Gratitude

Mindset is important during times of prolonged stressful times. We’re in for the long-haul with flu season coming up along side of Covid. Finding creative ways to sustain yourself is important as we enter fall and prepare for winter.

If you’re beginning to plan for Q1 2021 and want to talk about taking care of business at home and work, contact me via Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner for additional information. The seasons are changing, let me know if there are other ways I may be of assistance.

Stay well –Lynn

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