
Our days are filled.  Time is a precious resource.  Busy does not equate to results.  Haven’t we all heard, seen and experienced this?  Struggling to balance everything on our plates can be overwhelming, especially when reviewing items of importance at work and home.

The upcoming year end activities may add to the mix.  Deadlines, quarterly and year end reviews and life issues press hard on us.  How in the world can one adjust in daily life to lead to desired outcomes?

Structure helps in evaluating the impact of various activities.  There are many methods to help us prioritize, manage the tasks at hand and reduce stress.


Learning how to assess your current situation allows you to move forward with planning your days.  Understanding which tasks are of importance begins with a healthy dose of self-awareness.  What do you do well?  What holds you back?  Do you ask for help or tackle things alone?  Are you prone to take on too much?  Have you an understanding of the impact of saying yes?  Are you comfortable with saying no?

Assess what is

To begin assessing your current situation it helps to document everything that comes to mind.  When we “dump” everything from our mind onto paper, we can take what’s in our minds and see things more clearly.  This exercise allows us to assess more objectively and assign value to the “stuff” and assign a value to its completion.  Often times, when we objectively see items, we are able to eliminate them and/or see the association of completing one items flowing on to many sub-items.

Create a to-do list

Some people do well to list everything on one list.  Others select items to complete one day, week, month, quarter or year.  Know yourself – know what helps you build confidence vs. what throws you into overwhelm and/or avoidance and structure accordingly.


Focus allows us to see something through.  Distraction takes us away from the task at hand.  Jumping onto social media may be a “break”, yet what is the impact to your productivity.  Take breaks to clear your mind and regroup.  Consider stepping out into nature, stretching, taking care of little things, and other activities that can relieve pressure rather than adding stress.

Measure your success

Have you defined what success looks like for you?  Do you measure your results?  Are you happy only when you complete something, or is measurable progress on a longer term project important to you?  Building upon what you define as success matters.

If you’d like some help taking a look at your readiness for anything at home and work contact us.  We proactively help you assess your situation in business and home and explore ways for you to protect what is important to you by asking questions.  What is your risk? Your plan?  Are you ready to be ready?   Think of it as stress reduction through planning 🙂

Contact us to learn more about how we work with individuals, business owners and employees via Email or online @ The Living Planner  #LifePlanningSimplified #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness

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