Recently CalFire ( sent out information about how to return home safely after a fire. This helpful information could also be used after other natural disasters (ie, tornado, flooding, hurricane, earthquake, et al). It’s important to stay informed as things “heat up” this year. keeps track of Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters. The below graphic has yet to include the wildfires 🙁 There is an organization that tracks wildfires in real-time for the US and Canada.

Upon Returning to Area Around Your Property Check For:
- Trees, brush and rocks that may have been weakened or loosened (they may roll, crumble or fall causing further damage)
- Debris or damage on roads and driveways
- Clear debris to the edge of your driveway or to the road
- Evaluate utility poles nearby for any evidence of weakening
- Check under decks, in rain gutters and/or wells, under overhangs for damage
Secure Safety Outside Your Home and Check Inside for Damage
- Determine if your electricity and/or gas service is operational. If there is any visible damage to meters, do not attempt to turn on utilities
- Inspect the areas around your home (flashlights are helpful) to check for danger (exposed wires, sharp objects, etc.)
- As you enter your home, turn off electricity/gas and make sure your appliances are turned off. Inspect all meters for damage
- If you have security systems, alarms and a landline phone, check to see if they are working
- Check all vents inside for embers and damage
- Report all electrical/gas damage to your local utility company
- Assess damage to your property and take pictures outside and inside to record everything for future claims
Make a Plan
Re-upping this information from a previous post. It’s so important for everyone to practice, prepare and plan!
Making a plan for you, the people in your household, your pets and your business is step one. Know your community resources for people, pets and businesses. Plan for various evacuation routes. Prepare your information and be mentally ready to “grab and go”. provides information about making plans here:
For building and maintaining a kit, go here:
To be “tech ready” go here:
I created a one page PDF to help get you started:

Prevention is possible! Let’s make sure you have the information to proceed with developing and implementing plans for you, your families/pets and your work. Get ready to experience a huge sense of relief 🙂
For additional information about me, check out my website: Have questions, email me:
Take care of you –Lynn
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