Sending out an SOS

Have had the Police song, “Message in a Bottle” from 1979 running in my mind of late.  The lyrics, “sending out an SOS” come to mind as I draft this post for you.  If for some reason you were in a position that required someone from work to contact people in your personal life or if someone from your personal life needed to contact people in your work life, could they?

Our lives and businesses may run well – we’re humming along until one day when they’re not.  We face an interruption, a set-back, a medical emergency … then what?  How do we respond?  Are there people we know enough about us to step in and act for us and perhaps as us? Our smartphones may indeed by smart, yet if we have a password set on our phones, how can someone access our contacts?

Let’s look at a simple fix for providing access to important emergency information on our smartphones.  Have you set-up your ICE (In case of emergency) contact(s) on your smartphone?  Have you linked your ICE contact(s) to the Medical ID information on an IPhone or Android?

When a phone is locked would you like emergency personnel to have access to some data to tell them about you?  We can set up information like our ICE contact(s), basic medical information *especially if you have rare blood types or a medical condition that would impact immediate medical attention and basic personal information.

**Caution, this ID allows access from a locked screen by anyone – it’s nice to have for emergency personnel, yet not so nice if someone has your phone for other reasons.  Do consider how much information you want out in the open and guard sensitive information that could be used by a not so nice person.

This article from Apple support provides this link to help you:  Set-up your Medical ID – Apple

For Android users, Google Play provides this link to help you:  Set us your Medical ID – Android

Sometimes the “little things” can have a big impact.  Taking care of the little things frees us up to live life in a big way!

The Living Planner proactively helps you assess your situation in business and home and explore ways for you to protect what is important to you by asking questions. What is your risk? Your plan? Could someone step into your shoes to assist, if you are unable? When you’re ready to explore how to better be ready, we’re here for you.

Contact us to learn more about how we work with individuals, business owners and employees via Email or online @ The Living Planner  #ExpectTheUnexpected #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness



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