
Endings can lead to new beginnings.  Whether it is a loss of a person, pet, relationship – it takes time to assess who we are, what we feel and how we wish to move forward.

The holidays are tricky.  Nostalgia of memories can be triggered and we can feel the pressure of feeling “happy”, when we feel anything but!  We can be reminded of how different life is and of the loss experienced.  Coping during the holiday season is real for many.

This post is a reminder for us to consider sensitivity this holiday season.  For those experiencing a new beginning, this is a time to redefine/define the season for you.

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Set realistic expectations 

Giving yourself permission to do what’s best for you in the moment is a great gift.  You alone know what you are feeling and what you need.  It’s ok to do things differently than you have.  It’s ok to select what you do and with whom you spend time. I was surprised by the swings I experienced – the need to be alone vs. the desire to socialize.

Take care of yourself

Self care is a term we see often.  Defining and practicing what it looks like to you is important.  Listen to you and take steps to initiate a practice.

Ask for help

Reaching out to others may or may not be something you do with ease.  Gathering perspectives from those you respect can open up the door to crafting a new life plan.

Love and support

Love and support go a long way in life, well beyond the holiday season!  Sharing silence, sharing memories, enjoying time with others or time alone – the days/weeks ahead may take on a different look and feel, depending on the day.


The subject of loss, the holidays and a host of other topics can be touchy for all parties.  Acknowledgment of the situation at hand shows you are open to talking.  Be “real” and expressing you care, even when the words are difficult.  Offer to be there, listen, pitch-in and show support.  Listen with compassion – to the words, feelings and even the silence.   The roller coaster of feelings changes and it is important to ask how someone is today knowing each day is different.

Help offers resources for those coping with grief.  Here is an article from their website: Coping with Grief and Loss

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Are you ready for interruptions in life?  We proactively help you assess your situation in business and home and explore ways for you to protect what is important to you by asking questions.  What is your risk? Your plan?  Are you ready to be ready?  We’re here when you are.

Contact us to learn more about how we work with individuals, business owners and employees via Email or online @ The Living Planner  #ExpectTheUnexpected #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness



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