Septmeber Preparedness Tips

September is Preparedness Month. Last week, I provided an Evacuation Checklist. This week, let’s continue the theme and review important places to begin.

Healthcare is top of mind for us amidst the pandemic. With this in mind, some important things to organize, collate and have accessible are listed below.

  1. Personal and family medical history. Documenting this general information to have on hand is valuable for you, your family and a care team, should it be necessary to be admitted for care. Blood type, a list of medications taken, previous surgeries and existing medical conditions provides a good start
  2. Contact list of primary care physician, specialty physicians, dentists is a must have!
  3. Copies of insurance cards, noting the co-pay provisions, deductibles and who to call in case of the need for pre-clearance requirements
  4. HIPPA authorizations given to your primary care/specialty physicians
  5. In Case of Emergency Contacts listed on your smartphones
  6. Power of Attorney – Healthcare. Who will make decisions on your behalf if you are unable to for yourself?
  7. Advanced Healthcare Directive / Proxy indicating your Do Not Recessitate decisions and more

We all start somewhere. If this is the first time you’re approaching this type of preparedness, take a deep breath! Creating plans for the “what if’s” allows you to craft up how you can help yourself and provide direction to others when they step in to help you.

Having this ready to go in case is a huge help for those caring for you and ultimately for you, when time can be of such importance. Legally, these decisions are ours to make when we legally become an adult (age 18 in most states).

Health is so important – it is the key that unlocks our ability to fully embrace the days ahead. And while we’re on the topic of health, September is also Suicide Awareness Month. World Suicide Prevention Day is 10 September.

Here is the link to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: And, here is a link to the National Alliance on Mental Illness:

Understanding the multitude of variables in the “administrative side of life” is SO important. The details can drive you crazy, believe me! Preparedness can spare a world of hurt!

I’m here anytime you’re ready to review what protection strategies you have in place and identify what’s missing and how best to fill the gaps. If you or someone you know would benefit from working with me individually, for their employees or companies, contact me via Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner for additional information.

Stay safe and be ready for anything at anytime! –Lynn

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