Heads up – October 21st is International Shake Out day! Earthquakes aren’t just in California. For those interested in earthquakes, the USGS provides information here: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/browse/significant.php
In 2021, there have been significant earthquakes in Hawaii, Alaska, South Carolina, Maryland, Nebraska, California and various places around the world. Learning about earthquakes and preparing for them in advance of Shake Out day is a public service announcement.

The Great Shake Out provides information you can use for Earthquake drills.

Earthquake Safety Video Series
- Stream on YouTube (click the CC button for subtitles)
- Download HD Versions (CC subtitles can be enabled)
- How to protect yourself from an earthquake in a variety of situations – excellent for training, B-Roll, and more.
Resource Pages from ShakeOut are here:
Drill Manuals and Other Planning Documents
ShakeOut Drill Manual for Businesses (PDF)
ShakeOut Drill Manual for Non Profits and Other Organizations (PDF)
Countdown to ShakeOut for Organizations (PDF)
Benefits to Participating Businesses (PDF)
Earthquake Safety in Stores (PDF)
Seven Steps to a Resilient Workplace
Disaster Resilient Business Toolkit
QuakeSmart Community Resilience Program
Schools and Childcare
K-12 Schools Drill Planning, Educational, and Preparedness Resources
Earthquake Safety For Parents and Care Providers of Young Children and Infants (PDF)
College Registration Guidelines and Participation Resources
ShakeOut Drill Manual for Government Agencies and Facilities (PDF)
Options for Government Agency Participation and Outreach (PDF)
ShakeOut Resources for Healthcare Organizations
Includes Suggestions for having your Shakeout participation count towards Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services Emergency Preparedness Rule
People with Disabilities and Other Access or Functional Needs
Earthquake Country Alliance documents, videos, and graphics for Seniors and People with Disabilities
Prepare to survive and recover with the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
Protect yourself during an earthquake: Drop, Cover, and Hold On!
Recommended Earthquake Safety Actions (including situations when you cannot get beneath a table) (PDF | RTF)
Secure Your Space
The Earthquake Country Alliance is an organization advocating for us to secure our space(s). They’ve researched over the years and have found that 2/3 of earthquake injuries are due to unsecured objects that fall, break or fly around us. Here is an infographic they’ve put together to help us visualize.

Here’s a list of resources they’ve put together to help us: https://www.earthquakecountry.org/resources/
Over to You 🙂
Moving to California in the early 80’s, I’ve had a strange track record. Wherever I leave seems to have an earthquake!
When I lived in the Bay Area, there was a quake in Coalinga. After I moved from the Bay Area, there was a quake in the Marina district. When I moved from LA, there was a quake in Northridge. When I moved from Cleveland, there was a quake there. After I left Seattle, there was a quake there 😲 I’ll stop there, you get the idea!
It’s important to stay aware and take preventative action wherever we live. Boy did I drop, cover and hold when experiencing a 7.1 two 4th of Julys ago. Knowing what to do involves some pre-planning. This is the same for everything in life.
Drop, Cover and Hold on! Sorting out what matters, where and how to begin can stop you in your tracks. Wherever you are, begin. Let me know how I may help you move forward. Check out my website to learn about me and what I do: https://thelivingplanner.com Have questions, email me: Lynn@thelivingplanner.com
Keep well –Lynn
PS If you live in California, get this app – it gave me a 4 second warning last quake I felt 🙂 https://earthquake.ca.gov/
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