Some Creative Ways to Cope During Difficult Times

We’re halfway through 2020. Whew, did you ever imagine when we started this year that we would be living during a pandemic? The times have been challenging. We’re learning about ourselves – the good, the bad and the questionable.

When times are difficult, how we respond can impact us into the future. Improving your ability to navigate the difficult times, you not only live a happier life, but you also grow as person. Solutions in plain sight are rare, especially when it’s close to home. When you can take a step back and see the bigger picture, it is possible to discover somethings that can help you.

Here are some ideas to help get you started when you need a little help!

  1. Hold onto Hope, even a glimmer helps. It might be a little self-care, or a walk outside. Find one thing that seems doable and give yourself permission.
  2. Be Creative. There are times when it seems as if there isn’t much you can do to change your situation. Some days it’s best to let it go for the moment. Other days, there are opportunities you can actively work to make the situation better.
  3. Reach out. Community and connection are important. When you’re ready, reach out to someone you trust. Making sure there are people who are loving, caring, honest, and available makes some days more bearable.
  4. Adaptation. Sometimes adapting to a major upheaval asks us to be willing to engage in problem-solving and try new things. 
  5. Consider your Physical and Mental Health. Make time for rest, nutrition, movement and you to build your strength and resilience. Be patient with yourself.

2020 is certainly exposing us to vulnerabilities. It is also a time to consider what really matters. On this 4th of July weekend, may you find a spark to bring with you into the tomorrows to come.

Know I’m here anytime you’re ready to review what protection strategies you have in place and identify what’s missing and how best to fill the gaps. If you or someone you know would benefit from working with me individually, for their employees or companies, contact me via Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner for additional information.

Stay well. –Lynn

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