Summer Solstice 2021 begins today, marking the 1st day of summer in North America 🙂 Happy Father’s Day! And, today is the Longest Day Walk. Where ever you are, whatever you’re doing, enjoy the day!

The Summer Solstice is the day with the longest period of sunlight. Notice how the Sun appears highest in the sky at the solstice; its rays strike Earth at a more direct angle, causing the efficient warming we call summer.
Because the Sun is highest in the sky on this day, you’ll notice that your shadow (at local, or solar, noon, not clock-time noon) is the shortest that it will be all year. [Local noon is when the Sun crosses the local meridian (an imaginary line between the North and South poles) and is highest in the sky for the day.]
For those who live in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the shortest day of the year and marks the arrival of winter. Check out this handy sunrise and sunset calculator to figure out how many hours of sunlight you’ll get in your location on the solstice from The Old Farmers Almanac!
Travel is picking up! Book trip plans in advance. Rental car shortages are real. RV spots are full and planes are filling up. If you are traveling internationally, you may want to check out information from the state department to help you plan:
Speaking of international, did you know that many countries including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Japan, India, Philippines, South Africa and China celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June? For all the Father’s celebrating today – Happy Father’s Day!
Germany celebrates the Day on Ascension Day which is the Thursday 40 days after Easter. Italy, Spain, and Portugal celebrate on March 19. Austria and Belgium on the second Sunday of June, Denmark on Constitution Day June 5th, and Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland celebrate second Sunday of November. Russia celebrates Father’s day on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and United Arab Emirates celebrate on the first day of summer on June 21st. Australia, New Zealand and Fiji celebrate the first Sunday of September.
For those who wish to participate from home to The Longest Day Walk sponsored by Alzheimer’s, here is the link:
“We don’t know what lies ahead, where we’re going, and none of us knows where the road of life will lead, but it’s the most exciting journey of them all.”(Corrie ten Boom – Dutch survivor of the Ravensbrück concentration camp & writer)

Go have some fun – summer is here 🙂 For additional information about me, check out my website: Have questions, email me:
Stay well –Lynn
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