The Nights Are Getting Shorter

Yesterday was Winter Solstice. The winter solstice is the day of the year in the northern hemisphere with the fewest hours of daylight, and it marks the start of astronomical winter. After the winter solstice, days start becoming longer and nights shorter as spring approaches. Cultures around the world hold feasts and celebrate holidays around the winter solstice. Fire and light are traditional symbols of celebrations held on the darkest day of the year.

When we live in the southern hemisphere, summer is dawning, while in the northern hemisphere, winter is here. Perspective (and location) influences how we react to either the days getting longer, or shorter!

The seasons of life are a bit like the seasons of nature. If you’ve not heard of Daniel Levinson, allow me to share something I’ve learned. Daniel Levinson (1920-1994) was a developmental psychologist who was a pioneer in research and theory on developmental stages and crises of adulthood.

I’ve been reading some of his teachings of late (impact of the longer nights for me 🙂 and am struck by his perspective. Levinson’s theory centered around the idea that adult development is made up of a number of stages (eras) and transitional periods. As I plan for 2020 and how best to approach life planning across the generations, his thoughts of four primary eras of relative stability and three, five year transition periods are intriguing.

Our readiness in life (aka life planning) throughout these periods is impacted by our reaction to the period itself and perspective of what’s to come. How we find our place in the world, pursuit of life’s goals, levels of responsibilities, relationships with others, life and accomplishments all influence us.

As our days lengthen and nights shorten, let’s use the increasing light of day to take stock in all we have, all we can contribute and all we have to be thankful for. The season upon us is a wonderful time to enjoy celebrations with those who matter to us.

I’m here as a second set of eyes for life planning, business contingency planning, taking care of your employees navigating with life and business intersect, deciphering crazy legalese, US citizens preparing to live abroad and for we adult children helping our parents / grandparents transition. Talking about the situations in life we would prefer to avoid isn’t always easy, yet so darned valuable when the time occurs.

Reach out with questions via Email. Additional information is available upon request or on the website @ The Living Planner 

May your weeks ahead bring gratitude, appreciation, laughter and joy!

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