Things at Home

In the 2018 Roadmap outlined last week, we begin with a project “Things at Home”.  This is the first step of paying attention to what is in your world.

Stop and look around.  In a world filled with perpetual distraction, be still for a moment.  We are surrounded by things – some of great importance, some providing decoration.  If the things in your household were no longer here, what things would you rush to replace?

Asking this question forces us to pause for a moment to reflect upon what we have, what we need and what we want.  What makes our lives easier?

When I moved to China in the 90’s, I went through this exercise when told to pack what I would need while living in temporary housing, as I would ultimately live in a furnished apartment.  The packers arrived to pack the bulk of my belongings for long-term storage in the US, while I was away for years.  The odd thing was, 3 ½ years later upon my return to the US, I had little memory of what I had packed.  I had lived well without the “stuff”.

This experience has given me an appreciation of what I want, what I need and what is important around me.  It was also a wake-up call of sorts to notice and record what I had as an inventory, in case everything was gone in a “poof”!

Working with people has taught me that noticing what we have does not come naturally.  How many of us really have original sales receipts for purchases?!  If we needed to file a claim with insurance companies, are you in a position to provide documentation of all you own?

How does one really document possession owned?  Some prefer written inventories, others prefer to video.  Whatever method comes easier for you is the best method for you.  The key is to go room by room reviewing what is in plain sight, along with what is in a closed drawer, cupboard, pantry, file, or closet.

By taking on this project room by room inclusive of garages, 2nd homes and/or storage areas, you give yourself a document in a slice of time that helps you if ever needed by a third party.  Establish a time frame for this project to be completed and ask yourself why you are doing this in the 1st place.   Are you preparing for a move?  To downsize?  To simplify?

The benefits go far beyond the what-if’s.  The benefit includes allowing you to know what you have and where you have it, should you wish to get to something while you are here!

Have fun with this project!

We proactively help you assess your situation in business and home and explore ways for you to protect what is important to you by asking questions.  What is your risk? Your plan?  Are you ready to be ready?  We’re here when you are.

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