Uniform Digital Assets Law

For all who are following state and national legislation about Digital Assets, the state of California has recently sent a bill to Governor Brown’s office in the state of California.  AB691 allows access to a wide range of digital assets to treat them as if they are tangible assets.

Digital Assets is a topic of importance for all of us.  Knowing what accounts we access online, how we access them and how others may gain access if we are unable is a big issue.  We rely on technology.  We rarely have “snail mail”, thus without access to our online accounts, it is difficult to decipher the extent of our day to day lives.

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To date, 19 states in the US have adopted the the Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Access Act legislation this year.  12 other states are considering legislation.  If Governor Brown signs this legislation, it will go into effect January 1, 2017.  For the full text of AB691, click here:  California AB691

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