Here’s a concept to consider … are you valuing your sanity? Or better yet, how are you valuing your sanity these days?

Global Pandemic
We’re living in unusual times. The last pandemic we’ve faced was the 1918 Spanish Flu. That pandemic started in the spring of 1918, peak mortality was reached in 1918 the pandemic did not end until two years later in late 1920.
Patterson and Pyle (1991) estimated that between 24.7 and 39.3 million died from the pandemic. (Patterson and Pyle (1991) wrote ‘we believe that approximately 30 million is the best estimate for the terrible demographic toll of the influenza pandemic of 1918’ and published a range from 24.7-39.3 million deaths. Patterson, K.D. and Pyle, G.F. (1991) – The geography and mortality of the 1918 influenza pandemic. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 65(1), p.4. Online here.)

Covid’s impact is ongoing. The Delta variant is relentless. For up to date statistics, Johns Hopkins has interactive maps for us to track the current situation here:
For information about where to get vaccinated:
Maintaining Sanity
Last weekend, I felt “normal”. Me, friends, time in nature, blackberries – it was the first time in a long time that life felt “normal” again. Upon my return, I kept the feeling by making jam with those beautiful blackberries! It’s almost as if after a time of holding my breath, I let it out.
Check in on the young and old, everyone is going through these times. Summer is ending, school is underway and many are adjusting to either remote or on-site work.
That’s what prompted me to write about sanity this week. For all of you, my fervent wish is for you to find something that helps you take a deep breath in and out and find a bit of “normal” 🙂

Keep in Touch
For those who have kids in college, I’ve added a new page to my website that includes a link to a free checklist to download
Let’s make sure you have the information to proceed with developing and implementing plans to ensure you and yours have what you need, just in case. Protecting you and maintaining sanity is possible.
For additional information about me, check out my website: Have questions, email me:
Take care of you –Lynn