Passkeys have been showing up frequently in the news of late. I decided it was time to do a “deep dive” to see what they were all about! Sit back and read what’s what with passkeys!
New Technology
Passkeys are an alternative to the traditional passwords used today. They are a different way for you to authenticate that you’re you, protecting you and your accounts from threats by people, malware, and phishing.
Passwords can be hacked fairly easily, as so many of us have experienced in the past few years. Databases on the dark web store many passwords that have been hacked and sold to data brokers. People use your passwords to gain entry into your accounts, which is a big pain to get cleared up.

Passkeys are a more tech-savvy way to verify your identity, using a PIN number, swipe patterns, or biometric information (fingerprints or facial scans). Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are all moving to passkeys for your accounts with them. Best Buy, Cloudflare, eBay, Adobe, Robinhood, Nintendo, WhatsApp, TikTok, Kayak, Shopify, Instacard, and PayPal all implemented passkeys this year. Passkeys use public-key cryptography which generates a private key on user devices.
Several Password managers have announced support for passkeys (i.e. 1Password and Dashlane). Since passkeys are personal, this poses problems for companies who manage access to sites and services for employees. Credential management may need new technology before passkeys are broadly adopted by companies and households that share access.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Creatures of Habit
Passkeys are not mandatory as yet. As we wait for the new technology to implement passkeys broadly, we mere humans may prefer to stick with the familiar password (even though we complain bitterly when they are forgotten or lost)!
Keeping track of passwords is one of 12 things I review in my 12-module online course Put Your Mind at Ease.
Each module features a video, a checklist, and a fillable PDF to complete. By completing one module per week, you’ll be on your way to leaving behind a “trail of breadcrumbs” whenever needed.
There are three Live Q&A calls that provide you with a monthly check-in to clarify what’s needed and why this will help you in the long run. Think of it as accountability along the way! There’s a whole lot you can accomplish in 3 months 😉
If you know of anyone who might benefit from this program, please pass along the information found here: Put Your Mind At Ease
Have any questions? Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner Here is a quote by Benjamin Franklin, “Success is the residue of planning” To your planning ❣️Lynn