Wherever you live, Covid 19 is impacting your country, state, province and community. In the US, a resource I found was from the National Council of State Legislatures. Their website updates information Monday – Friday @ 5pm ET.
This information relays the state action underway, the state fiscal response, and an educational response for the US. Wanted to get this out to you all for this week: https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/state-action-on-coronavirus-covid-19.aspx
For state by state information, here are a few states to get us started. These twenty states have reported the most cases as of 21 March, 2020. This information is changing rapidly – make sure to check online for your home state’s information portal.
- California https://covid19.ca.gov/
- New York https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home
- Washington https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus
- New Jersey https://www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/ncov.shtml
- Illinois https://www2.illinois.gov/sites/coronavirus/Pages/default.aspx
- Michigan https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus
- Florida https://floridahealthcovid19.gov/
- Louisiana http://ldh.la.gov/coronavirus/
- Georgia https://dph.georgia.gov/novelcoronavirus
- Massachusetts https://www.mass.gov/resource/information-on-the-outbreak-of-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19
- Texas https://dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/
- Colorado https://covid19.colorado.gov/
- Tennessee https://www.tn.gov/governor/covid-19.html
- Pennsylvania https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Coronavirus.aspx
- Ohio https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/odh/know-our-programs/Novel-Coronavirus
- Connecticut https://portal.ct.gov/coronavirus
- Wisconsin https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/index.htm
- Maryland https://coronavirus.maryland.gov/
- North Carolina https://www.ncdhhs.gov/
- South Carolina https://www.scdhec.gov/infectious-diseases/viruses/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19
As many of us are living under a “stay at home” policy we are adjusting to life with physical distancing. Technology allows us to socially connect in creative ways these days.
Recently, I was asked to participate in an interview for an event friends Karen Eischen and Mel Perry (a dynamic Mom and daughter team and together leadership and visibility coaches) are hosting. Beginning 30 March, they are hosting a free online interview series called, Shine the Spotlight On You: Step Into Your Next Act With Confidence, Clarity, and Joy.
You are invited and feel free to pass it on to others. We could all use some inspiration these days 🙂 Here is a link to sign-up: https://envisionjoytoday.krtra.com/t/E6uN43ZoAHrK
Must admit, I took my technology outside on my patio to participate in a live online exercise class today before writing this post. I may not stand up easily from my seated position, but boy did I enjoy that! May have to consider a nap later 🙂
Reach out to those you care about. Look after yourself. Enjoy time with loved ones and away from the hustle bustle that tends to creep into our lives. Together we can do so much. Let me know ways I may best support you in the coming weeks.
Reach out via Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner for additional information. Stay well.
#LifeAndBusinessIntersect #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness #StepUpStepIn