Prior to this decision, many patients, families, physicians and hospice provides have faced difficult choices. For many, entry into hospice meant that care and comfort was the only care option. Now, a combination of treatment protocols are permitted. “This model empowers clinicians, beneficiaries and their families with choices and is part of our broader efforts to transform our healthcare system into one that delivers better care, makes smarter payments and puts patients in the center of their own care,” HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said in a news release. “We want to do what we can to help families find the care that is right for their loved one.” Last year, the CMS said only 44% of Medicare patients use the hospice benefit at the end of life and most use it for only a short period of time.
While the Medicare test program impacts only those who qualify for Medicare benefits, this decision also brings to light the issue of care choices for each of us. Do you know what you, your parents, your siblings or your loved ones would want in a situation requiring decisions of overall care choices? What does quality of life mean to you? To them? Has this been discussed in your family?
Time impacts so much. Over time, we evolve through experiences, growth and choices; as do the services, technology, facilities and programs offered for us to consider. Knowing what we want now is a good start. Knowing we are permitted to change our minds after an initial choice has been made, allows us choices and through having choice, we are empowered.

Planning for the unplanned allows us to consider the impact of our decisions and communicate our wishes with those impacted by them. While we cannot predict the future, we can prepare for it. Should you desire support, resources and / or services to assist you in beginning the planning process or assessing what you have in place today, we are happy to shed a practical light on this.
Thanks for being a part of this community, Lynn
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