This week was a humble reminder of the forces of nature. And a very good week to be ready to “grab and go”!
Fires in Oregon, Colorado and California dominated the news in the West. As of Monday, there were 100 uncontrolled fires blasting smoke, heat and devastation across communities.
As if that wasn’t enough, Mother Nature decided to add hurricanes into the mix. Laura and Marco swept up through the Gulf, with Laura reaching a Category 4 when she made landfall in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
The NASA images of each/both are daunting:


NASA Worldview, Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS)
Between January and June, 2020 the US has recorded ten Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters, per NOAA. TEN!! This is before the fire impact to the West and the latest hurricanes in the Gulf region.

Oh people, it’s time to wake up, get up and be ready to grab and go ALL the time. Thinking about the practicalities is daunting, I know. We can prepare to grab and go from home, but what happens if we’re not home when something strikes?
Having cloud and/or USB access to your most important papers, policies, legal documents ++ takes a little “elbow grease” and is well worth the effort! I’ll be updating all my information *a little at a time) in the coming weeks. Let me know if you’d like to join me 🙂
Below, see a downloadable link containing an Evacuation Checklist I’ve prepared to get you started with this “Grab and Go” exercise. Think about completing it for all people and pets in your household.
There is a line mentioning “online accounts” on this checklist. This is a big deal ! Accessing your online accounts from alternate locations is made easier by using “saved passwords”. Yet, if you’re on a public WIFI, this exposes you to prying eyes with your sensitive data. Protect yourself and your sensitive information through the use of a personal “hot spot”, a VPN or wait until you’re able to access via a trusted site.
Understanding the multitude of variables in the “administrative side of life” is SO important. The details can drive you crazy, believe me! Yet, advanced planning can spare a world of hurt!
I’m here anytime you’re ready to review what protection strategies you have in place and identify what’s missing and how best to fill the gaps. If you or someone you know would benefit from working with me individually, for their employees or companies, contact me via Email or check out the website @ The Living Planner for additional information.
Stay safe and be ready to “Grab and Go”! –Lynn
#LifeAndBusinessIntersect #CareForPeopleCareForBusiness #StepUpStepIn