It’s a Matter of When …

The Navy SEALs have a saying: “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” If you can be comfortable being uncomfortable, you’ll be prepared to handle whatever situation comes along in your own life.  The point is they stay focused on what they need to accomplish, despite how uncomfortable they feel.


So in our daily lives, how exactly do we get comfortable with the uncomfortable?  How do we begin the conversations?   Speaking of SEALS and speaking of uncomfortable, I read about proposed changes to Long-term care for Veterans and their spouses.  Comments are requested on/by 24 March.  Here is a link to the proposed changes to read and/or pass along.

The impact of this concerns me for those who have served, who believe they are “covered” and for those who have a trust.  We could all use SEAL training when the time comes for people we care about and/or ourselves to transition from life.

When we begin exploring all the benefits we have accrued and sort through the details of them, we learn for ourselves and for those we care about.  I encourage you to begin taking steps now to prepare yourselves and your families to gain comfort with the uncomfortable.

I’m curious to hear from you to learn more about what assistance you need with getting started, prepping for meetings with professionals or other ways I may provide value for you.

Feel free to contact me:

May you live life fully, Lynn

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