The Living Planner Advisory Perspective Series

Various professionals serve us throughout our lives.  This Advisory Perspective Series was created to allow you to see “behind the curtain” and get to know professionals.  As you build your team in life asking questions to get to know them, what they do and how they will support you moving forward is so important.  Select professionals who provide you with information to set-up your house in a way that supports you and your family.  Choose wisely!

This series continues with the questions we’ve been asking professionals this year.  These questions were designed  to give you an idea of what to consider when meeting or selecting professionals for your team.  Let’s have a look “behind the curtain” at what the professionals have to say.

The professionals I feature in this series are dedicated to their fields, to their clients and to you being prepared in all ways best for you.

I am delighted to introduce this month’s featured professional Sherlyn Pang Luedtke.

Sherlyn Luedtke

Sherlyn is a Success Coach, Speaker, #1 Best Selling Author, and Mom.  She is the Founder of and empowers parents to manage their mindsets and create powerful beliefs that support them in reaching their highest intentions.  Through her online classes and VIP Private Coaching Program, she guides clients all over North America to respond to their noble calling, refine their character, and cast a vision for contribution, all with balance.

Question 1.  What do you enjoy about working with your clients?

I enjoy coaching them to see the blessings in their challenges and to facilitate their brilliance to create their success. After they accomplish a goal or make a dramatic shift in life, I love asking them “when we first started working together, would you have believed me if I said you would have done this?” And they usually say no. It was beyond their reality. Our work together gives my clients permission to dream, to believe, to act, to celebrate, and to continue.

Question 2.  How would you suggest a potential new client prepare for a 1st meeting?

I like to keep things simple for clients as we get started. For our first meeting, they need to know what they want and have a level of commitment to reach their goal.

To prepare for a first meeting, I ask my clients get specific about what they want. We start with what’s on their heart. The range of their goals is vast. I have helped clients publish their books in 90 days, return to corporate at a higher position than when they left 6 years before, maintain life balance while caring for aging parents and eventually handling their estates. Some clients have run half marathons and beat cancer. I believe that if God has put a goal on your heart, He will provide the way to achieve it. I add accountability, resources, and perspective along the journey.

During our sessions, I invite clients to be fully present. Stop multi-tasking. Be in a quiet place where they can focus and not be interrupted. For busy people, this exercise can be life-changing. Imagine what can happen when you give yourself and your goals your time and full attention. We are so used to sacrificing ourselves and our schedule for others. In our coaching program, we break that habit and make you a priority.

I also give lots of curriculum, so clients need to be prepared to take plenty of notes. In every session, we set up a campaign with action items due before our next session. That means that clients must be willing to take action, even if it’s just baby steps.

Question 3.  When someone agrees to become a client, what can they expect immediately?  Over time?

They can expect immediate support and access to me, even before our very first session. Everything changes when you seriously commit to your goals. Opportunities and obstacles come up, so I let clients know that they can call me when they get stuck or discouraged or even to celebrate successes.

Clients can expect me to ask them lots of questions. I believe my clients have the best solutions within them, and my job is to draw out that wisdom so they can hear and apply it. The growth process can be uncomfortable, and that’s normal. Whenever we talk about success, growth, and reaching our highest goals, it means doing things that are outside of our comfort zone. My clients can expect to stretch, and just like sports, start to associate that stretch and discomfort with flexibility, strength, and vitality.

During our sessions, clients can expect direct feedback, accountability, and an objective perspective from me to help them see their way through to their goals. I check on their campaigns to support them in getting things done and keeping their word. I also remind them when they need to take a day off or do some self-care, so they don’t burn out and can stay balanced and joyful.

Over time, my clients cultivate new empowering habits and a new mindset. They get my encouraging voice inside their head to counteract the other little voice that can be critical and negative. Armed with tools, support, resources, and consistent action, they reach their goals.

Question 4.  What is your service philosophy?

I am committed to being one of the greatest sources of support my clients have ever had in their lives. One client was having a very intense phase, and for a short time she called me every day as she overcame her challenges. Not everyone needs that level of support, but I’m here if they need me.

Question 5.  What resources do you provide to assist “laypeople” with understanding what is being discussed? 

While I share psychology and behavior modification techniques in my programs, we focus on the personal application of those techniques instead of turning it into a science lesson.   I keep the action items simple and easy to implement. For those who want to go deeper, I provide a recommended reading list at I also recommend specialized tools, resources, and trainings to clients depending on their situations.

Much of what I teach is also available in my #1 best selling book, The Mommy Advantage: How Having Kids Can Make You Happier, Healthier, and Wealthier. Using the context of motherhood, I demonstrate how reframing, resourcefulness, empathy, and integrity can lead to an extraordinary life. Of course, you don’t have to be a mom for those tools to work for you.

Bonus Question!  If you were to relay one piece of advice to anyone reading this, what would it be?

Your goals are important. Pursue them for your sake, for your family, for your world. Your goal was divinely put on your heart for the good of others and to the glory of God. There is no time like the present. Go for it!

If you wish to contact Sherlyn directly, you may reach her via email, or by phone:  (818) 583-7264.

Thanks for being a part of the community.

We love assessing our readiness from all perspectives and invite you to connect to see how The Living Planner’s services may benefit you and your loved ones.   Contact us via Email or online @ The Living Planner


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