Journey of work, life, saving, spending and … retirement!

There is a new 72 page report out from entitled The Millennials I found referenced in Forbes this week.  The focus is on the journey from savings until retirement.

After listing numerous challenges (student debt, global challenges for jobs and government pressure in the US to reduce “entitlements”), this is the line that spoke to me!
“To add to these challenges, more than three-quarters of adults in their 50s experience job layoffs, widowhood, divorce, new health problems or the onset of frailty among parents or in-laws, all of which disrupt their ability to save.”  YES, this and more is all true for all generations.
So, how do we cope, prepare, deal with possibilities while simultaneously living life?  Is it possible for all of this to  co-exist?
As a trailing edge boomer, I experienced much of what is described above beginning in my 30’s.  From this, I honed in on a keen sense of organization, while trying to make sense of the “bureaucracy from the systems” and balancing my own work/life balance.
Did I do everything perfectly – heck no!  Have a learned a whole lot – heck yes! Living life for me includes asking for help and seeking help.  Knowing who I am allows me to play to my strengths and open up to receiving help from others who have talents I don’t.  Navigating all those moving pieces in life that we encounter daily is my strength.  Anticipating, addressing contingencies, getting into the nitty gritty – oh yes, this is my strength!
The journey of life does include a blend of work, fun, saving, spending and more as we plan for retirement.  It is a blend of living today and planning for tomorrow.   Here’s to a journey where we all live in readiness for the unexpected!
If you are interested in reading the Millennials report, click here The Millennials
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