Time of Reflection

The clock read 0515 upon waking Friday, 11 September, 2015.  This in and of itself is not uncommon for me, yet on this day, it was different.  It was a time to remember and a time of reflection.

14 years earlier I was called into a conference room to watch the footage of one of our airplanes in New York.  We did not witness a traditional landing.  Instead, transfixed in shock, we watched as our plane went into the World Trade Center.  Moments later I was dispatched to join my fellow volunteer emergency team responders to participate in ways we hadn’t before.  The skies were shut down and we assembled in our Chicago reservations center to begin doing what we were called to do – assist those who had experienced the unthinkable.

(Picture from The Guardian)
It is humbling and was life altering for so many across this country.  I’ve come to understand that in these precious moments of time we are granted while living, we may realize our mortality in what I call glimpses.  Glimpses allow us to peek, without taking in too much.

What I realize is that life is to be savored and lived fully, with our eyes wide open.  If we pass through our days in a semi-aware/awake state, we miss out on so much.  If we live in the past or consider only the future, we bypass the beauty of today.

It is when we take moments to breathe in the joys of right here, right now that we gain the perspective of “enough”.  It is enough to consider the miracles that we all are.  It is enough to appreciate the delicate dance of our bodily functions operating in synchronicity.  So much runs in the background of our days:  the beating of our hearts; our breathing; the ability to see, hear, taste, smell, feel and sense; all that we do during the course of a day.  We have so much and there is so much each day to be thankful for.

It was in the beauty of appreciation of the gift we call living, that The Living Planner was created.  During those years of being called to serve in three airline “incidents”, a perspective was born almost as if it was a teacher.  Living life fully each day was introduced from these experiences and with a fervent desire I ask us to consider living with our eyes wide open.  Let’s take in all each day brings us: the uplifting, the mundane; the stimulating and the “stuff” that runs often behind the scenes.

Signing off today with appreciation and remembrance of the victims, families and survivors from 14 years ago: 11 September, 2001.  “Live life fully every day, love with all your heart and always be prepared – we don’t know when our time here is finished.”  -LLL

Are there resources that would make your day to day living easier?  Let us know. Our aim is to make sure you have resources to help you and your families today and into the future.

Thanks for being a part of the community.


If you have any questions about The Living Planner’s services contact us via Email or online @ The Living Planner

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